[center][h2][color=red][u] [color=white]☬[/color] [b]Ira[/b] [color=white]☬[/color] [/u] [color=red][sup][sup][i]Current [color=white]Location:[/color] Hell[/i][/sup][/sup][/color] [img] http://i.imgur.com/UKdGHlR.png [/img][/color][/h2][/center] [center][img] https://s16.postimg.org/gads5qrdh/image.png[/img][/center] At long last, the final remnants of Hell’s “Elite” forces were beginning to gather in the throne room. She was not concerned about the resounding damages being added to her space considering it could always be fixed later. As Balrog swore in his loyalty, so too did Ghelgath finally make his appearance as well. And honestly, it was just as predictable as Ira had imagined it. It was no surprise Hell was flaky about their leadership positions anyway. [color=ed1c24]“Greetings to you too Ghelgath. Your words mean nothing on a Demon of Hell. What use is honor and reason when power is to be achieved?”[/color] Ira said in a bored manner, crossing her legs the other way now. [color=ed1c24]“If you honestly me to fight fair, then you’re better off groveling at the Imperator’s feet. You could at least try to act like the cold-hearted warrior you call yourself.”[/color] A sigh was given as he flat out challenged her, because really, did he honestly think this was good idea? Victoire, Henry, Balrog, and now even Sliske were willing to fight for her rule. [color=ed1c24]“Be sure to wrap this up quickly you two. We still have preparations to make for the next battle,”[/color] she called out to Sliske and Ghelgath, wondering how much steam this spout would produce in her throne room. Back in Hyperion, Bastion blinked in surprise to the solemn tone her friend revealed. Attacking her own teammates? What had happened at the Alchemist’s Castle? She so badly wanted to ask, wanted to pry just a bit further; but she also respected her friend’s decision to not talk about it too. But it only made all the more worried for her in the end. [color=0072bc]“Yeah, something like that. I’m not sure what they’re holding there but it must be important to the war if we’re fighting over it, right?” [/color]Bastion said with a smile. [color=0072bc]“Were you just gonna practice here by yourself? If so, I’ll join you for some target practice. I need to hone my aiming skills anyway.”[/color] [hr] [center][@Lmpkio], [@floodtalon], [@Mega Birb], [@Awesomoman64], [@KoL], [@Flamelord][/center]