[Center][H2]Damascus Gym[/H2] [@Alder][/center] As Leo entered the Damascus Gym the most prominent noise he would hear would be the sound of steel pounding against steel as Kurogane worked on his latest piece. There was a distinct lack of trainers around, most likely the Dojo was closed for today. Leo walked in yet Kurogane did not respond, he was hammering on his sword with a focus that was as sharp as his finest blades. Luckily for Leo, Musashi was very aware of the new arrival. He walked over to Leo and bowed his head lightly. [Color=skyblue]"Ah, welcome young trainer! I am Musashi and that is my brother Kurogane, hard at work on his latest blade. Have you come here to sign up for Dojo Training? Or perhaps you believe yourself ready to challenge me and my brother?"[/color] A particularly large clang punctuated the end of that statement as Kurogane continued to hammer away. [Color=skyblue]"Well, as soon as my brother is done. Forging a blade is work that requires much concentration."[/color] Suddenly Kurogane looked up at Musashi and sighed. [Color=crimson]"I am almost finished for today Musashi, I just need to wrap the blade for the day."[/color] As Kurogane got back to his work Musashi refocused on Leo. [Color=skyblue]"Well young trainer?"[/color]