[b]Damascus Gym[/b] [@floodtalon] For a few moments, Leo looked at the two gym leaders without saying a word. As hard as he tried, nothing seemed to be getting his words out. He looked down at the floor and gulped to ease the pain in his throat before finally being able to speak. His nerves had settled down for a bit, but he didn't exactly feel confident speaking to the duo. "Um, the first one. Don't have much use for dojo training right now, no sir..." His body and speech were stiff. His mouth could only just barely mumble out the words he wanted to say before shortly dying out by the end of his second sentence. He mentally chastised himself for speaking so spinelessly. A trainer ought to have been a pillar supporting and reassuring his pokemon, he was too much of a wreck to even do that much. He never understood why he was perfectly fine tossing insults left and right anywhere else, yet turned into such a submissive idiot when it really mattered.