[center] [img]http://tinyurl.com/jro424v[/img] Welcome to my thread! Here, you'll take a look into my cluttered world of Roleplay! Ideas from east to west. They may not be for everyone, but you might find something you like. Just remember, [b]you must PM me [/b]to get my attention. With that basic intro out of the way, let's begin the tour![/center] [hr] [img]http://tinyurl.com/hbl6tvs[/img]Howdy-do! My name is Dru! Well, not really, it's just part of my middle name (Dru'Ann) and so I tend to use it as a nickname...lest you want to call Miss Gallagher. That's cool too! I'm a 27-year-old female. I've been roleplaying close to...way too long. Good lord...! My typing speed is through the roof... Well, sort of. 121+ words a minute, but it's impressive because I only use two fingers due to a disability I had to make up for... Not bragging, just specifying I have a quick reply time, but I digress... I prefer roleplays that mix high-casual and advance +. It allows for extra while not forcing it when it's not required or needed. I only play female (main) characters. So, my pairings are either hetero or lesbian (yes, I'm trying to get back into lesbian-paired roleplays finally). I draw...as you may be able to tell by the art all around the thread so far... Oh, oh! [b]Warning:[/b] While I'm suuuper nice and friendly to people who are super nice and friendly, and though I like to avoid random confrontation with strangers I've never spoken with before, if you act like an idiot (a.k.a. a dick), I'll probably tell you. Hehe. [hr] [center][img]http://tinyurl.com/j7z78rp[/img] Let's face it, rules are important. They help us know, before we start, if we will mix well. So, please, read them and take in what they say. [/center] ✎Male partners for hetero and females for lesbians. No exceptions to the rules right now. I have reasons, sorry! [i]** Note: Many plots written as hetero pairings will have a notice at the bottom stating if they can or cannot be altered for Lesbian Pairing. [/i] ✎You must be 18 or older to ride the ride... Er...I mean, to Roleplay with me. ✎You must roleplay on the same level I do or higher (a mix of high-casual to advance+). ✎Please, have basic understanding of grammar, punctuation, and spelling. We all make errors, but I can't tolerate reading them in every sentence. ✎Contribute to the plot! Play more than one character and create story. Don't leave it all up to me. ✎Don't offer to RP if you don't have time to actually RP. I'm patient, but not enough to wait days for a single post... ✎Don't PM to RP with a "I don't want to do any of yours, but let's do mine... OH, you don't want to? Bye then." Don't give me a 'my way or highway' type of message. I will get upset at you... ✎I don't use or read character sheets UNLESS the characters already know one another in the RP before it starts, which is super rare. ✎No Incest, Pedophilia, or Bestiality. ✎Please, don't nit-pick fictional roleplays. Nothing kills an RP faster than someone needing everything spot-on realistic. ✎Do not control my character's actions, thoughts, or words without prior consent. ✎I only RP through the PM system. ✎Third person only. ✎Lastly, write character conversations correctly. Two people cannot speak in the same paragraph. [hider=Example] [b]Incorrect:[/b] “Hello, Julie!” Peter said coming down the hall where his second period class was. “Oh, hi!” Julie said, blushing heavily. “How are you?” Peter grinned and scratched the back of his head. “I’m fine!” [b]Correct:[/b] “Hello, Julie!” Peter said coming down the hall where his second period class was. “Oh, hi!” Julie said blushing heavily. “How are you?” Peter grinned and scratched the back of his head. “I’m fine!” No matter how many words, sentences, or otherwise you put between them, two people shouldn’t speak in the same paragraph. I learned this in 6th grade English. The more you know. :D It’s confusing otherwise and it gives me a headache. Sorry![/hider] [hr] [center][img]http://tinyurl.com/jfd36cb[/img][/center] [hider=Roaches]In an attempt to rid the world of the 'deplorable', those of less than perfect genetics, they threw them from society. Over the next few decades, many died of hunger, infection, or their own health due to their genetics. Others fought to survive, doing whatever they could. This led the army to devise their own tactical team of assassins to exterminate the deplorable that they dubbed 'Roaches'. To ensure that the soldiers didn't hesitate to kill, knowing they might be unwilling to pull the trigger if faced with specific types, they implant their soldiers with a device that alters reality as they see it. Anyone with a destructive genetic code is seen as a monster in the eyes of the soldiers. They create fake memories of a toxic mist that caused certain people to mutate and become dangerous... During one mission, a top female solider takes a blow to a head during a raid. After recovery, she begins experiencing headaches and having strange memories/dreams. She is unaware of the damage to her implant. One night, she sees a man standing near the gate of the compound, and when she gets closer, he asks her to kill him. Knowing he's a roach, he expects her to simply hear and see a monster. When she doesn't do as asked and instead asks him why, he knows right away her implant has been damaged, but decides not to tell her. Instead, they talk. By morning he's gone, and she doesn't see him until she is put on a team for another raid. While inside the building, she realizes a teammate is about to shoot him and tries to intervene, becoming shot by accident instead. The man manages to help her out and away from the battle, taking her to a secret area where he nurses her back to health, all while explaining the truth to her about her implant in hopes that she might be able to help him and the others in a way that doesn't mean death. [i] (Idea inspired by the show Black Mirror. This one can be altered to be Lesbian.)[/i][/hider] [hider=E.G.R.]In a world where the mentally gifted were either seen as monsters or taken by the government to be used as pawns, she knew there had to be another way. After jumping forward in time to protect herself, and continuing forward to expand her knowledge, she found that the world would one day no longer exist beyond that of a heap of ruins... A war between the government and the people of extreme mental capabilities had caused it all to crumble. In this destroyed era, she decided to rebuild. Her goal was to make a safe place for people like herself, where they could not only live in peace and without fear of the government coming for them, but also to allow them to stop the inevitable future that was to come. The government would come to learn of this organization in time as she began to take away those they sought, and in time, establishing her own army. Having been dubbed an 'evil genius' for most of her life, as many of the others had as well, she decided to call the organization 'Evil Genius Revolution', or E.G.R. for short. With the help of her fellow geniuses, they would put an end to the horror of the past to build a brighter future for those who remained behind. Those who were part of the organization joined in knowing that they would never see that future, for they could no longer be part of civilization, nor could they drift through time and space to the future they were creating--and alternate reality from their own. [i] (There are many character options for you in this RP, from a old soldier, a scientist, a new recruit, a second in command, etc. It can all be discussed if you choose this RP. Hetero Only.)[/i] [/hider] [hider=Arachnophobia]It's been over three years since the alien invasion. 80% of the world's population is dead, with the remaining 19% in captivity. Only a small percentage have managed to hide away from the fate many others fell to. These Aliens came without warning, showed no mercy, and prayed on the darkest fears of the majority with their giant spider-like forms... Worse, when they came, they hid...in the bodies of humans they had sucked hollow. Host bodies... They had planned it all from the start. Out in the middle of the mid-west, a small group of survivors have taken shelter in a large farmhouse. While the majority are nothing but the average humans, the two who lead the survivors are unique in their own right. The second in command is a quick-witted man who has the ability to solve almost any problem laid out in front of him when it comes to fixing or building. He also has military background that gives him an edge on remaining unseen by the enemy. As for the leader, she is a hot-tempered ex-soldier who lost her arm in the initial invasion. Unlike her second in command, her creations go far and beyond what even his brain can comprehend. To replace her arm, she created a fully functioning mechanical arm that doubled as a weapon, a scanner, and more. This arm is what gives them a fighting chance against attacks, as well as a signal to know when the alien ships are near. One late night, the scanners go off, informing them of someone within the mile, and she is quick to meet them with the rest of the group ready to fight. What she finds is a man who is looking for assistance and a place to stay. In reality, he is one of the elite sent by the aliens to investigate the group, and to keep them in place until backup arrives to kill and capture. When he learns of the scanner in her arm that can detect a host from a human, he prepares himself for battle. Luckily for him, the scanner glitches due to recent repairs to her arm. Inside, she sends the group to bed and sits with the man, talking. He is fascinated by her arm and her brain, and though he won't say it aloud yet, believes she could be of use to his people. When his backup arrives, her scanner goes off again, alerting her to clear alien lifeforms coming in fast. She takes one shot in the dark to create a diversion and then ushers her group into a secret tunnel in the floor, but slows when she has to help the pregnant member of the group in. Before she can get in as well, the walls come down and the alien's crawl in. To her surprise, the man attacks them (if in a way that makes it seem like he didn't 'mean' to), giving her the time she needs to make her escape. On the other end of the tunnel, they find the second command and a few other group members working on a few vehicles that they quickly pile into and take their leave to another shelter miles away. The next night as she lays in bed, she hears her window opening and watches as the man from the night before crawls in, with the use of a few extra limbs. Immediately, she takes aim, but he tells her to wait. He wants to help her by giving her the chance to join his side, which she obviously refuses. Instead, she tells him to join her side, to see that humans are more than just the pests the aliens think they are. Unwilling to give up on her joining his side, he agrees. This does not make the group happy, especially the second in Command who knowingly has a 'thing' for the leader and is incredibly protective of her. He sees the alien as a threat to the group, but also worries what he might be aiming to do to the leader. [i] (Hetero Only.)[/i] [/hider] [hider=Enclosure]Venus is under attack by a strange airborne illness that is dropping its people like flies. Those who die are mutated into horrible monsters, and those who managed to escape the planet are quarantined by the government. It's been over a month since it started and Venus has been left a wasteland of its former self... One man, part of a special force unit of Venus, had gone with the rest when it all began. Soon, it felt like it was only he and his men, and then it was just him... With no way to escape Venus and fearing help won't come soon enough, he begins to contemplate his options. He can continue to hold out, hoping for the best, or he can put one of his few remaining rounds in his head and call it for what it is... Amid these thoughts, he's startled by a loud crash outside the compound. The sound is a familiar one to him--that of a ship crash-landing. He hurries out of his bunker and follows the smoke in the air to a downed craft. It isn't military, nor is it a regulated craft from Venus. The cockpit is open and covered in blood, but whoever had been in it is gone... As he begins to circle to the craft, wondering if there are any supplies, he's chased away by an oncoming group of monsters. Just as he's in reach of his bunker, he realizes he's surrounded and doesn't have enough ammo to kill them all. He prepares himself for the fight, knowing he'll die, when, out of nowhere, a beam of light cuts through the beasts. High on the rubble a woman stands and she easily takes out the remaining mutated humans. Realizing her arm is a weapon, he knows that she is most likely a criminal, as that type of technology is illegal across all planets. His hunch is correct. Not only is she a criminal, but one of the most wanted women in the universe. Even so, she's there to help. She's brought food, water, medical supplies, and weapons. She seeks to find survivors and to get them off the planet. He decides to trust her, given he has few other options, which is for the best. What she knows, and decides to keep from him, is that help isn't coming. All governments have decided to let the survivors rot on Venus in hopes that the disease will die with them. She, a criminal, is their last hope for survival. [i] (This one can be lesbian.)[/i][/hider] [hider=Drawn by Death]His dream in life was to become the best horror comic book artist in the world. It was his life's goal. However, while he made a name for himself at first with small pieces, better, more talented artists began to take his place and his marketers soon no longer cared to waste money on putting out his sub-par work. One day, while looking for inspiration online to try and fuel his imagination, he finds a website dedicated to a comic maker who does her own publishing. It's revealed through Google that, a few years ago, she had been incredibly popular, but she never cared to reveal herself to the public or to make it into a job. It was just something she did for fun. Her fame, that he desired, drove him to contact a relative in law enforcement. He had enough information on her to try and locate her through the system. Once the information had been obtained, he hopped upon the next flight and headed off to find her. The woman he meets is kind, despite his uninvited arrival to her secluded home. She obliges him with a tour of her house, showing off drawings and achievements she's gained. When he asks her about her very old horror stories that had originally made her famous, she tells him she will never write horror again, but refuses to explain why other than; 'I didn't like the results'. When asked about her 'inspiration', she retrieves a box from a shelf and shows him a set of pens and small clamps made for the ear. She tells him that she found it in a burnt down house one day while looking for inspiration and, after putting one of the clamps on her ear out of boredom, she was hit with inspiration... Each clamp and pen is a different color, and she explains that she found that the colors decided what type of comic she's make... Though he doesn't believe it, he makes a comment about how the horror one must not be used by her anymore, and in turn she snaps the lid closed and puts it a way, a clear sign that she won't be giving it to him. As her phone rings, she excuses herself from the room, only to return to find him gone... On instinct, she grabs her box and looks inside, finding the black pen and clamp gone... Using the pen and clamp at his hotel, he is able to create vivid comics depicting horror and ends up doing so through the night. By the end of the week, he has a chapter complete and sends it to his publisher, who is astonished by the results and quickly publishes it. Soon, he's home, drawing, drawing, and drawing some more. Within a few months, he's become the new top selling horror artist, often being compared to the woman who he'd met in some articles. However, it all begins to crumble when he takes on a request from his best friend who wants to be part of his comics. Happy to oblige, he creates a horror story where his friend is the victim and, not long after, his friend is found dead... He dies in a fashion extremely similar, if not identical, to the way he had drawn his friend dying in the comic. Believing his friend had planned to commit suicide and had used his comic as his escape, he let's it go as nothing but a misfortune. Yet, strange things continue to happen. The more comics he makes, the more people end up dead. The news doesn't give the full stories, but he can't help but realize the similarities... After a call from his publisher, he's asked to make a comic of himself to show at a reception for comic book artists. Thrilled to be going to this event, he gets to work, pushing all his concerns aside. With his own horror story written, he packs it in his bag and headed out. It's not until he begins looking over it during his pack to the reception hall that he realizes how similar the surroundings are to his comic, more so, that he is mimicking what he drew in the comic... Int he comic, he is walking to the reception hall, looking at his work, only to be stalked, chased, and cornered by a shadowy creature that kills him in the end. Soon, everything he draws becomes reality, and he is on the run, attempting to escape from a mysterious and unseen creature chasing him into a nearby alley where he drops his work. Just as he finds himself cornered by the shadowy creature and realizing that he is about to die, the beast cries out in agony and vanishes. At the end of the path, he sees a familiar woman standing, his work lit on fire at her feet. "I never liked the results..." She says once more. She informs him that the pen-set is cursed to make whatever they depict come to life, and is exactly why she gave up on horror. The fame wasn't worth the price. Unfortunately, he has published many comics in the time it took her to find him, and now they must do whatever they can to stop innocent people from dying, all while trying to evade the police who are beginning to notice the ties between the man's comics and the recent string of mysterious deaths. [i] (Hetero Only)[/i][/hider] [hider=Mimic]Life was…complicated…and all she wanted was to get away to start something new. With a degree in psychology, as well as foreign languages, she decided to take a job as a teacher in a high school in Korea. She teaches psychology, English, and even helps in the gym when the teachers call out. She’s well liked by the students due to her anti-bullying stance and willingness to stand up to the bullies even when other teachers won’t. Due to her body and pretty face, even when the principle of the school doesn’t like her actions against the ‘rich’ students, he lets it slide. She even begins casually seeing one of the teachers—casually since she doesn’t know if she’ll be staying in Korea after the year’s end. One day, it’s discovered, by a student with far too much interest in his teacher, that she was once part of an American band called ‘Mimic’. She has the ability to alter her voice to mimic the voices of famous singers. They were quite famous and doing very well…but one day she just decided to leave the band...and the country… This leads to everyone wanting to hear her sing, but she refuses, and she continues to refuse until the unfortunate death of a student that she had become close with. To show respects, she sings over the intercom. Everything continues on as normal and summer approaches fast. Every summer, thirty students, those with the best grades, are signed up by their parents to a summer school to prepare for college exams, and she is asked to stay and help teach. The first week goes as planned, but one morning things change dramatically… Haunting music plays over the intercom and a student has gone missing. The student appears on the screens throughout the school, somewhere being recorded as they are tortured and killed. This continues, and the teachers gather their students together, determined to keep them safe, as they are unable to leave the school without the threat of being shot. A voice keeps asking them to figure out who they are... If they can, the killings will stop... Who is killing the students? A disgruntled teacher who has had enough? A student who felt they should have been one of the top thirty? Or is it the foreign teacher’s secret past catching up with her? [i] (You'd be allowed to pick your main char, but I would assume the teacher she is dating would be the best choice. We'll all double as other chars, of course.)[/i][i] (This one can be lesbian.)[/i][/hider] [hider=A Deadly Past]He’d been a reporter for many years, a job he took after he no longer wanted to work in law enforcement. Work had been slow and all the articles he wrote seemed to just drag on endlessly, and boringly. Knowing he needed to get a story that would interest his readers, he decides to focus on a theme that went with the month. It was October after all and Halloween was on the way, so what better story than those surrounding the local Asylum? He expected something creepy to come of the people there, but the patients didn’t have much to say. They were mostly just disturbed or suicidal people who needed to be monitored. No one had any 'scary' stories of what put them in there. No mass murderers. No delusional patients... He was about to give up when he noticed a single room down a long hall that had a guard standing in front of it. The doctor giving him the tour explained that the woman inside the room paid to have a guard there at all times. When asked about her mental issues, he’s told that they don’t think she has one… She willingly checked herself in and had no signs of mental instability. She also wouldn’t share with them WHY she was there, as they were required to document anything she said. Even though he’s told she doesn’t take visitors very often, he asks to see her, and they agree to let him the following day. When he arrives, she is exercising, but still engages in chat, though she seems distant… When he asks to hear her story about why she is here, she tells him she will share as long as rules are in place… He cannot record the conversation. He cannot put the name of the hospital, her name, or the town’s name in the article… For his own safety, she says he shouldn’t put his either… Wanting the story, he agrees, even though he knows he'll put his name on the paper anyways. If it's worth writing, it's worth the acknowledgement that he deserves for it. She spins a tale that he thinks is…a bunch of bull. Even so, the story is good and makes for one hell of an article. Once published, it sells and it sells well. Things are looking up for him, but only for a short time. Once night after celebrating with coworkers, he is attacked as he enters his house. Anyone in the house [i](your call)[/i] is now dead, and the men surrounding him begin to beat on him, demanding they tell them where the woman from the article is. When he wakes up from being knocked out, he uses his training from law enforcement to get himself free and out of the building. He is heading back to the Asylum. As he enters the woman’s room, he sees her standing with the article in hand and tells him that she told him not to put his name in the paper… Her story hadn't been fake at all and now he will need her help to survive. The people after them are powerful and deadly, and they won't give up until they have her. [i](Hetero Only)[/i] [/hider] [hider=Jasper's Asylum]When a journalist/reporter is trying to find his next big break to bring him out of the hell hole he's living, he's willing to do anything--even steal someone else's story. One night while working late in the office, he notices an e-mail pop up on his rival's computer when the rival is in the restroom. Curious, he opens it, if for no other reason than to occupy his time. The e-mail is from a doctor at a place known as Jasper's Asylum. He knows the Asylum's name for his rival had done a story there a year ago that got him up in the ranks. The doctor states that there is a new story for him to cover. Doctor's have been performing tests and experiments on the patients and the injustice must be revealed. His arrival is requested IMMEDIATELY. Desperate to make it big, he prints the e-mail and deletes it from the computer to take the job for himself. He grabs his things and hurries out, heading for the Asylum nearly a day's drive away. When he arrives late night, the doors are locked and no one seems to be around, not even at the guard station outside. Just as he's about to leave, he notices a broken window and uses it to gain his way into the waiting room beyond the main doors. Immediately, things seem a bit strange. The lights are out in here too and things seem a bit cluttered. Without warning, sirens begin to sound and the barricades drop around the windows, locking him inside. He hears a female voice telling him to get upstairs and through the barricade and to come to the office with the gold plate on the door. Before he can even understand what's happening, two patients attack him out of nowhere. He scrambles, hurrying up the second floor and sliding through a barricade to get away from the two psychotic men. The hallway is littered with dead bodies and covered in blood. Shocked and unsure what to do, he enters the room with the gold plate on it. Once he shuts the door, a woman rises up from behind the desk. She's dressed as a patient, but she introduces herself as a doctor who was forced to be come one of the people experimented on... And though she doesn't tell him, she was the one who sent the e-mail... With his recorder and camera on hand, he joins her in going deeper into the asylum in search of an escape. [i] (Hetero Only)[/i][/hider] [center][img]http://tinyurl.com/zyqh4pk[/img][/center] [hider=Born by the Sword]A small village known as Biei is about to have a whirlwind hit it in the most unlikely fashion. With three sides raging war across the land of Amahara, one being magistrates, the other two being clans of their own, Biei is used to the everyday hustle and bustle. What they weren't ready for was the strange foreigner whose appearance would be a mystery even to her... After awaking in the brothel where she'd been sleeping for upwards of three days after being discovered near the river with a large laceration to the back of her head from possibly falling off the cliff, she has no memories. She doesn't know who she is, where she comes from, or anything else. What she does know is she can speak Japanese fluently, as if it was her native tongue, and that she knows that she blind (to a degree). After leaving the brothel, and hurting a few guards to do so, she collapses on a bridge near the outskirts of town where she's found by a man. Though he's not exactly the most social of men, he doesn't want to leave her and helps her to the local doctor where she is properly tended to. As her memories slowly come back, and her true identity becomes known, the three sides of the raging war of Amahara target her as a pawn for their army. However, she is focused on the village of Biei, wanting to do what's best for it, all why doing what she can to avoid being dragged into the war...as well as returning to the war she left behind... (Hetero Only)[/hider] [hider=A Search for Love (lesbian pairing)]All her childhood, she dreamed of finding love. More so, she dreamed of foreign men. Her desire for foreigners stemmed from her childhood, when she met a young foreign boy who had protected her from a group of local boys of her village. Since then, she'd always wished to find him. Once day, when debating on what she would do with her future, she notices a foreign woman in her village. The woman is partially blind, but beautiful and kind. Fascinated that a foreigner would come, she hurries over to talk to her, and the two become friends. After a few days, she expresses her desire to leave the village and to go searching for the foreigner she had met when she was a kid, hoping that he would still be in Japan. Because the foreign woman traveled, she offers the girl to come with her. If nothing else, she'd have a better chance of finding the man, and be safer doing it, if she tagged along. As they travel, the woman continues to try and help the younger girl find the man, but it seems he is nowhere to be found. It's not until she hears the story of how the girl met him that she realizes something--she was that boy. In her youth, to be safe from 'men', her adoptive mother would keep her hair short and dress her like a boy. Being young, it was hard to tell the difference, and when young, she had not been blind. Her once brown eyes had turned white over the years... Even so, not wanting to break the young girl's heart, she decides to keep it to herself, even as their bond grows. [i] (You would play the younger girl, I would play the foreigner.)[/i] [/hider] [center][img]http://tinyurl.com/j5snnzr[/img][/center] [hider=Anubis's Mistress]Long ago, Anubis stumbled upon a village dying of famine and illness. The leader begged him to help, offering anything in return if he would simply save them from death. He tells the man that his bloodline will bare a child of another realm, and that she will become his. In exchange for his help, the knowledge of this birth would be passed down through generations until the day it came. Born of pale skin and lighter hair, with eyes like stars, she was kept hidden from all. Kept from the light, kept from freedom, and kept away from men. Though alone, Anubis knew of her birth and would visit throughout her life, if only for fleeting moments. He would give her gifts and ask her to be patient, for one day she would be free of her confines and be allowed to stand at his side... When the long awaited day came, the village prepared itself for the arrival of the 'carrier' who would take her away from the village. When a man upon a horse arrived, a second horse tied to his, and a mask upon his face, the villagers did not question him and the leader passed his daughter off to the man, who remained silent until they were out of the village. She questions who he is and if he understands the cost of trying to kidnap her. She is not tricked by him, as she knows he is not the true Carrier, but instead a man sent to kidnap and kill her before Anubis can find her. All her life, she was seen as a threat by the outside world--a demon spawn that must die... In return, he asks her why she came along if she knew, and to that she responds that she wished to see the land before she was dragged into another world... When he learns of her isolated life, he decides that killing her, at least yet, is unjust. Instead, he decides to show her the land she never got to see, all while knowing Anubis would come for her and he would have to decide between giving her life to Anubis or simply taking it away completely. (Hetero Only)[/hider] [hider=Desert Curse]He was a proud caravan leader, creating new ways of life for his people to follow. Though he kept them safe, he ruled them with a strict iron fist. He was a dangerous man and would have his way one way or another, even if it meant getting rid of what opposed him... As the yearly trade for the caravans approached, he and his people headed through the desert, resting on the outskirts of towns where they felt it was safe to do so. During one stop, panic sets in as someone attempts to steal from the group, resulting in a fight that causing harm to a number of the leader's people. Once the thief is caught, he arrives and, to his surprise, it is the result of a foreign woman. As he approaches, he notices odd traits about her. All of her limbs our bound by golden cuffs, though the chains are missing. Even her neck is locked inside of one. This leads him to believe she was once a slave of a rich man who escaped and ran away. However, her blank white eyes tell him that she is also impaired visually, or so he believes... She is calm, too calm in his mind, as the group readies to remove her hand for stealing. When he asks why she tried to steal, she simply says; "I like gold..." Intrigued by her, he decides that, as punishment, she will simply be brought along with the caravan as his property. She warns him that would be the worst thing he could do to his people, but he ignores her. As night comes and the moon begins to shine, she hides herself under the tarp of his carriage (where she is tied), mumbling about the light of the moon and how it can't touch her. He continues to ignore her, believing her to have possibly lost her mind. It's not until they are attacked by raiders that he realizes her warnings had by true. The fight begins and the tarp is knocked down, the light of the moon lands upon her and her eyes flare with light. With inhuman strength, she rips the ropes binding her and she charges the raiders, tearing them to shreds with her nails and teeth. Those who try to flee are no luckier than those who tried to fight, as she chases them down and slaughters them. When the last one falls, she turns her attention to the Caravan leader and charges him, covered in the blood of her enemies. Mid lung, golden chains erupt from the ground and latch onto her, yanking her to the ground where she thrashes and cries out in a beastly way. The old wise-man from the group approaches the leader with a book in hand, explaining to him that the young woman is cursed. When the moon's light hits her, the beast is freed, using her as a host to run wild. Through her, it feeds. Using his books, he found the spell to bind her down, but tells him it is unwise to bring her along any further, and it is best to let her rot in the desert. Despite the warnings, he disagrees, wanting to take her with them. She is a deadly weapon, and he can see her being of use to him. [i](Hetero Only)[/i][/hider] [hider=In Your Hands]Power drove him from a young age, even to the point of killing his father in order to take over his army. He crossed the sands, taking control of everything he saw, kingdom by kingdom… However, there came a day when he couldn’t progress any further, as one kingdom outnumbered his men and his power. He was driven back into the shadows, losing the control and honor he had. Try as he might, the power he craved was just out of reach. That is until a random traveler stumbled upon his camp one morning. His men beat him, steal his horse, and throw him at the feet of their leader. At first, he plans to simply kill the man, but then he notices something shiny below the man's coat and attempts to take it. The man, who had yet to speak, tells him he cannot have it. In turn, the man is killed and the item removed from his lifeless body. The item he holds as a very expensive looking gold piece with colorful diamond flowers and a purple orb positioned in the center. Only once his men leave the tent does he begin studying the item in detail, noting that a purple smoke seemed to swirl in the orb… As he runs his fingers to follow the mesmerizing swirls, the mist within suddenly releases, filling his tent. Electricity courses through the mist as it spun and swirled, soon moving to the ground where it begins to form together into a body. From the mist emerges a beautiful and voluptuous woman. She introduces herself as a ‘wish maker’, or ‘genie’ as many would call them. Unlike the normal routine people hear about Genies and their ‘three wishes’, she explains that she grants endless wishes and loyalty to he or she who has her artifact. While there are a few small rules, the most important thing she tells him is that should anyone else touch the lamp’s orb, he will lose all control over her and she will hold no loyalty. Only in his hands does he have use of her power… Once she has proven herself to him, he begins readying his men for the battle. He will control the land by all means, forever holding it with the Genie at his side. As he rises to the top, word spreads like a raging fire of the Genie, and soon many come in search of her power. [i] (Hetero Only)[/i][/hider] [center][img]http://tinyurl.com/j4nn352[/img][/center] [hider=Help Me!]As a child, her parents knew she was special. Just like a distant relative of hers, she was born with the ability to see and hear the dead. All of her life, she tried to learn to live with it, to ignore the ghosts that flocked to her. Yet, it seemed no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't live a life without being reminded of her abilities and how strange it made her to everyone else. Through Elementary to early high school, she was the target for bullies who thought her crazy. One boy specifically made it his mission to ruin her life. He drove her to the point of contemplating suicide, which led her family to pull her out of school before she could graduate, fearing that if she didn't kill herself, a bully might kill her. Years later, now a young adult, she works the family farm. Her parents are deceased due to a crash years earlier, but she survives fine on the profit of her farm and the extra profit she makes by contacting people with the dead. Now an adult, and with times changing, her abilities have made her somewhat famous out in the countryside of Ireland. It's not an easy life, but she's content to live it. One early morning, she finds a woman sitting at her kitchen table. It takes her a moment to realize it's a woman from her old high school. She had been the girlfriend of the man who relentlessly bullied her. By 'had been', it came in two ways... One, by the ring on her finger, she assumed they had married over the years, but more so, she knew this woman was no longer alive. She learns that the woman was murdered a week earlier and her husband is currently sitting in jail for it, unable to afford his bond. She doesn't know who killed her, but she knew it wasn't her husband and that the man who had done it had killed before. She wants psychic's help to get her husband out of jail and to find the man who killed her before he kills again... Not willing to turn her back on someone who needs her help, she heads to the city bails out the husband. At first, he doesn't recognize her. She's grown up, but he rolls his eyes at her when he finally catches on. When she tries to explain that his wife sent her, he becomes agitated, not in the mood to 'play psychic' with her. It's not until she hands him his wife's necklace and tells him about his son who was stillborn that he realizes she knows more than she should, and the only way she could know it was if his wife had told her, as they had kept the stillbirth of their child a secret from everyone. He returns with her to her farmhouse where she goes over everything his wife told her. She believes the best way to find the man is to find information on the other victims. If she can make contact with their spirits, she can begin pinpointing details about the killer. It'll be a long process and come with a lot of risk, but he's willing to do it to clear his name, revenge his wife, and makeup for the hell he put the psychic through if she is in fact telling the truth. [i](Can be swapped for Lesbian.)[/i][/hider] [hider=A Charming Teacher (Lesbian Pairing)]College was exciting, as it was the start of her first year. She expected friends, parties, and everything else that came with the idea of college. Unfortunately, it didn't start out that way, and continued to dwindle into a lonely, boring existence as she struggles to get through the first semester. At the start of the second semester, just after winter break, she finds herself seated next to a student she's never seen before. He's not too tall, dressed simple, but has a gentle face and kind eyes. After class, he helps her pick up her books after she stumbles, and the two become friends. As their friendship blooms, she realizes she's falling for him. Unfortunately, what she doesn't know is that the man is actually a woman. She is not trans, and has her reasons for pretending to be a male, but in truth, she was never asked. Never once did it come up about her being male or female, and thus, she never admitted to her true gender. [i] (You would play full female student.)[/i][/hider] [hider=The Jester]It's Halloween night and the city is quiet as all the kids head for the more community friendly areas. Only the adults out drinking and hanging at bars in costumes are out and about. As a young woman walks home from a late night at work, she sees a strange man dressed in a suit with a scary jester mask on his face and top-hat on his head. He is trying to entertain a few people, but they are in a hurry and leave him. As they pass her, the jester immediately hurries over and silently greets her. Without a word, he begins to perform tricks, some simple, some much more interesting, but he is working to impress it would seem. At first, she humors him with 'applause' for his more simple jokes, but is very amused by his more unique tricks to the point she is almost scared. However, when he finished, she compliments his abilities and wishes him a lovely Halloween. He bows and lets her leave... As she finally gets to her bus stop, she notices two men already there, dressed in evil clown costumes. Due to recent issues around the states of people dressed as clowns, she becomes uneasy. As she gets closer, they suddenly stand up and she freezes... Seconds later, they rush her, and she takes off running with them close behind. Her heels don't make it easy, and as she enters an alley between two buildings, she hits the ground. Turning over, bleeding from her hand and cheek, she can see the men approaching, and she slides back. Suddenly, one of the men hits the wall as the man in the Jester costume hits him with his cane. He easily fights off the other, badly hurting one. When they two run off, he approaches the woman and crouches down, still silent. She thanks him nervously, but he doesn't reply. Instead, he takes her hurt hand and places it against his own, smearing her blood on his glove. Now even more uneasy, she gets up, thanks him again, and runs to the road, catching the first taxi home... At home, she showers, mends her wounds, and is startled when she hears a sound in her kitchen. Nervous due to the night's activity, she sneaks out, only to find nothing. It's not until she turns back around that she sees the Jester in the hallway. He is a demon, and in saving her, she has become his assistant. [i](Hetero only)[/i][/hider] [center][img]http://tinyurl.com/j94gvgg[/img][/center] [hider=Rome's Blade]She is the daughter of the Emperor and she is an outright bitch. At least it's fair to say her life has given her the right to be temperamental... After losing her mother at a young age by the hands of a stranger, she went [i]nearly[/i] completely blind... With her father fearful of losing his daughter, she became sheltered to the point of suffocation... This only made it harder for her to swallow the idea of a suitor when her father suddenly decided she needed to marry... They could have called her Miss Rejection. Every man she was introduced to, she refused to acknowledge beyond that of a person standing near her. Her father, caring for her wishes, sent the majority away, but two were allowed to remain as possible suitors. The first was a man her father knew well, had gone to war with, and who she'd known as a child. However, he was away at war and it wasn't known how long he'd be away for, or if he'd even come back alive at all... The other man... Oh, she despised him with all she had. He had been a soldier in the war who worked himself up in rank and glory, who then retired young to become a scholar. He was friends with her father, doing everything he could to impress him in order to take his place. To her father, he was a kind, strong, and fearless man. To her, he was a cruel, hateful man who didn't accept being defied by anyone. So much so, that he'd forced himself on her years earlier [i](a story to be explained if you pick this RP).[/i] One day, she is dragged to the Arena with her father where they are to meet the man, as he has brought a new fighter for her father to witness. She knows her father has a gambling habit, where he bets fights on high stakes with other people of power (foreign leaders and the senators). This new gladiator is less than appealing to her, but no fight is. As usual, she sneaks away when no one is looking. Unfortunately, due to her father having had torches removed from the halls, she ends up lost and soon trapped in the holding room of the fighters. When her disappearance is noticed, the fight is called off and the gladiator is hurried back to the cell where he finds the blind woman try to stay out of reach of the other men. Her tough and cold demeanor is entertaining to him, and she's not hard on the eyes. He's somewhat surprised to see she's willing to kill though, for when a chained slave grabs her, she stabs him with a knife hidden in her sleeve. As more fighters are pushed in, he protects the empress, knowing if she dies or is hurt, no one in the pits will end up seeing the light of day again. When the guards storm in to look for her, they see him and immediately go on the defense, but she calls them off, saying her protected her. In thanks, the Emperor invites him and the suitor to dinner that night, wanting to talk business with the fighter. The suitor isn't happy about this, as he can see the look in the fighter's eyes as he watches the empress... From there, the conflict begins... [i](Hetero Only)[/i] [i](If you'd like a fantasy mix, you can make the fighter inhuman.)[/i][/hider] [hider=Rome's Tranquil Blade]When Roman's soldiers raided her village, she knew that nothing good would come of it. Those they found weak or defiant were killed. Those of worth were chained and put into carts to be hauled back to Rome. When her hunt was stormed by the captain, she stood firm in front of her brother's bed. He'd been ill for years, and she had taken care of him for just as long. She pleads that they do not harm him, and by chance alone, the captain decides it's best to bring them both. It is not for the fact he feels sympathy for her, but because he, like the siblings, has a twin himself. He refuses to be the person who separates the two and allows them both to be taken to Rome unharmed. Once in Rome, she is sent to the brothels, while her brother is sent to the Arena to fight. Her first 'buyer' at the brothel is a soldier, but once alone he explains he is actually there to free her from the brothel by purchasing her as a maid for his home. Her brother made the request of him, offering up half of a golden locket in exchange for his help. In turn, she offers her own half if he will take her to her brother. Once together, and knowing her brother will die in battle, she asks to take his place as a fighter. Though not allowed, and knowing it will take some work to hide her own gender, she manages to talk the soldier into helping them. Her brother protests, but it is on deaf ears. She is determined to save her brother, even if it means putting her own life at risk. Though impaired visually, she fights, and she fights with everything she has. Soon she becomes the gladiator everyone comes to witness in the arena, all while living a second life as a maid in the home of a soldier when not scheduled to fight. One day in the arena, she is paired with another grand fighter to survive numerous battles against both humans and beastly creatures, all while the Emperor and his Son watch from above. If they survive, the two will reach new ranks, allowing them to become fighters for the emperor himself. While this might be the dream of her partner in the battle, her only goal is to survive and continue to fight for her brother. After a successful fight, she ignores the man attempting to talk to her, as she has never spoken a word to anyone in the disguise of a fighter. When she brushes him off, she doesn't realize how annoyed it makes him, as he feels that the fighter has just 'looked down' on him. He ends up following her, and after slipping into a small bathing chamber, he strikes her in the face (helmet). This causes her to fall backward into the water and for her helmet to come off her head. It's not until she emerges from the water that the truth is revealed. As the water causes her attire to cling to her bounded form and the makeup she wears slides off her face, he realizes that he is in fact a she. [i](Hetero Only)[/i][/hider] [hider=My Lady's Heart]He was the loyal servant, and close friend, of a prince of Persia. He was born of a mysterious bloodline that gave him brilliant white hair, something that was often considered 'unattractive' in his homeland. How people saw him never held him back, for he lived in the palace under the thumb of his dearest friend. He was raised to be kind, considerate, caring, and a gentleman. He was the ideal servant. When he learns that his prince is heading to Rome to meet with the Emperor, he is asked to join. The emperor of Rome is finding Suitors for his daughter, and in an act of well-being between the two nations, he wishes to propose that she becomes the queen of Persia. In doing so, they will strengthen borders and their armies. He has met the emperor once before and knows him to be a wise, caring man. If all goes accordingly, he expects his offer to be accepted. Upon meeting the Royal duo, he is stunned at the beauty of the future empress, but he does not let it show. He remains as he should, courteous and kind as he is introduced by his master. To his surprise, he is asked to keep her company as the two leaders speak with one another in private, but he does not object. She shows him the garden, they talk about their lives, and this repeats over the course of the visit. As it goes on, he realizes he is developing feelings for the woman. When he meets with her one evening, planning to explain that he cannot spend anymore time with her, he is barely able to start his explanation before she kisses him. From there, a whirlwind of secrets start, that hold dangerous consequences should they be revealed. [i] (Can be Lesbian)[/i][/hider] [center][img]http://tinyurl.com/jseq4yj[/img][/center] [hider=Glint of a Barrel]He'd once been the leader of the most feared group of outlaws, but over the past few months had gone off on his own after being betrayed by his closest friend. That group descended into chaos, doing things even too immoral for him. One of these acts was the rape and slaughter of an entire city. Though he had nothing to do with it, he is arrested in a neighboring town and sentenced to hang the next morning. He manages to escape in the night and runs into the fields outside of town. There, he sees a stallion and attempts to take it, only to be knocked out cold. He awakens in an old, abandoned barn, tied to a support beam. In front of him is a an attractive woman smoking from a pipe. It's not until she gets close and looks him in the face that he realizes he is facing a legendary woman known as 'Blind Eyed Gunner'. She is a bounty hunter of great talent, known for taking and making shots without looking. She explains to him that the city his old gang destroyed was her home base. Although it doesn't show on her face, she makes it clear her intent to kill every last one of the men in his group. Luckily, she also knows he left the group months earlier and, thus, is not on her current hunting list. However, she knows he knows where his group would hide away when things got heated, and she wants him to take her to them. In exchange for his help, she will give him half the reward money earned and allow him to leave to start a new life for himself. If he refuses, she will simply return him to the jail and stay around until his hanging. Not in the mood to die, he accepts. The two don't quite get along at first, but they'll grow on each other in time. [i](Hetero Only)[/i][/hider] [hider=Hot Fang]The west has become overrun by darkness. The undead have risen, the vampires awakened, and many more hideous creatures of the night have crawled their way to the surface. He is an elite Vampire, looking to strengthen his army in a war against the other inhuman creatures by any means. When he learns of a legendary bounty hunter killing off the undead, he is intrigued and seeks her out. Not only is she everything he heard, but she is beautiful and confident in her own abilities. Unlike many humans, she will not kill a creature simply for existing. She only hunts those who have caused problems in the neighboring areas. Because he is able to be in the light, he blends in with society and attempts to meet her on her turf. Though he attempts to seduce her, he learns soon enough that she isn't like other humans. She can see through his disguise. Although she has no interest in helping him in his war, he knows she won't have much of a choice. With the help of his own clan, he has three children from the city kidnapped. If she wants them returned, she must side with him. If she kills him, the kids will die. If she says no, the kids will die. With only one option to consider, she agrees to fight beside him to ensure that his clan rises to the top. (Hetero Only)[/hider] [hider=ARMs of a Drift]Spoiled rotten from a young age, he had everything he’d ever wanted handed to him on a silver platter. His father wanted him to take over the family business, but he had other ideas. He dreamed of becoming a drifter, something that upset his parents greatly. A drifter was a person who wandered, seeking out treasure and living life without rules (unless they decided to abide by them). When they questioned what drove him to want to be a drifter of all things, he revealed his obsession with the most famous drifter of all—Blind Eyed Gunner. His obsession drives him to finally pack up what he can and head out, but he quickly finds it’s a lot harder than he first thought. As he boards one of many trains around the wastelands, he learns that his room he paid for has been given to someone of higher importance and that he has to share a room with another traveler. He’s noticeably upset, but swallows it to ensure he doesn’t get kicked off the train… As he enters the room, he is left in shock by what he sees. Sitting near the window is the legendary Blind Eyed Gunner. Unfortunately for him, she’s not interested in talking, something well known about her. In fact, she ended up just going to bed to avoid conversation, but wakes up only a few hours later to a strange sound… Without a word, she grabs her coat, hat, and rifle and heads into the hall. She climbs her way to the roof of the train and finds a group of men trying to cut into the cargo hold… The young man follows her, trying to help, though his help is limited. Before long, the men go running, and Blind Eyed Gunner knows something is wrong. The cart has been dislodged, leaving them rolling down the tracks without the train to pull them… As they approach a turn on a bridge over a large body of water, she tells him they need to jump… Otherwise, they’ll end up going down with the train… They jump into the cold water below, and the train loses balance on the tracks and crashed into the lake not far away. As she begins to unravel the reason why the men were trying to break into the cargo, she knows she has an adventure ahead, and the young man is keen to follow her. (Can be lesbian)[/hider] [center][img]http://tinyurl.com/jry7fhp[/img][/center] [hider=Davy Jones]As a pirate's ship sails the sea, it is intercepted in the midst of a strange fog. The crew becomes overwhelmed as an inhuman power tears through them. It's only minutes until the entire crew is either killed or being held, making room for the captain of the opposing ship. He is a handsome man with fiery red hair that seems to flow as if still in the water. As he approaches the captain, he shows little emotion, but stops long enough to say; "I believe you have something that belongs to me..." Heading into the underbelly of the ship, he passes many captured men and women in individual cells, all cowering in fear as he passes. Moving through a door in the back, he enters a second large room the captain would go to 'play' with the captured. In the room, sitting lazily in a chair, is an attractive woman with a chain and cuff around her ankle. She's clearly just been put in the room and hasn't been touched. When she sees the man enter, she smirks. "...I warned him..." "Let me guess... You lost your ship again..." The reality is, the two are connected by a strange promise... The red-haired man is the one and only Davy Jones. The woman is the daughter of a famous treasure hunter, and the holder of a mysterious past. To protect his daughter from a curse when she was only a child, Davy Jones promised to free her of it and watch over her in exchange for her hand in marriage. He agreed, but argued that he could only marry his daughter should she learn the truth behind her family. As she travels in search for answers, he follows from the depths, there to keep her safe when she finds herself in trouble. However, it is also safe to say, he is less than friendly toward the men who try to approach what belongs to him, and often attempts to remind her that her freedom only goes as far as he allows it. However, she is a tough, much like her father, and refuses to let anything stop her once she sets her eye on the prize. [i](Hetero Only)[/i][/hider] [hider=Legends at Sea]In his youth, he was the most feared pirate that ever sailed the sea, and now is but a shell of his former self. After his capture twenty years earlier, he has survived on nothing but hopes of one day escaping his prison, though he knows his hopes are fading as the belief that there is an escape is more ridiculous than how he was caught... One evening, he hears a group being brought down and thrown into cells. This isn't uncommon. Many come and go...to the gallows...and he sits and watches. To his surprise, one woman is put in the cell next to him. She's the best thing he's seen in twenty years...but she seems to think there is a way out... She even asks if he'll 'steal a ship' if she can get them out. That he can do, but he highly doubts she can get them out...until she manages to unlock her cell door with a hidden key. With her help, he follows her to the wardens office and out to a private dock where they steal a boat and head off to sea. For his help, she is willing to buy him a Ship and pay for a new crew...BUT in exchange, he must let her tag along until she finds her own missing ship. There was no downside of the agreement in his mind. However, once they make it to a local island where many seaworthy people hang about, he quickly realizes she is more than just some rich woman. There is something about her that no one is saying, and she is ensuring isn't said. She is about to drag him into a world he only heard about in legends. [i](Hetero Only)[/i][/hider] [center][img]http://tinyurl.com/h8wkz3d[/img][/center] [hider=Beauty for a Beast]He was the handsome hunter who traveled the lands as a hero, killing mythical beasts that reeked havoc on the villages. He was a bit cocky, full of himself, but he at least had a talent that made him above the others, and women fell for his charm with a simple wink of his eye. He felt he had no equal, and was willing to prove his strength no matter the case. One day, he receives a letter to help a village far off in the corner of the land. They tell him of a castle that is inhabited by a creature so powerful that their land has been covered in ice and snow since the castle appeared. Wanting to add another notch to his belt, he heads to the village to get as much information as he can. They don't know what the beast looks like, but they've seen other creatures lurking near the castle. No one has been directly hurt by the creature, but the snow is hurting them. With weapons in hand, he heads alone to the castle, jumps the gates, and makes his way inside through a window he breaks. The castle appears abandoned, but he can hear something walking around and he begins to search, only to find nothing. Feeling like the beast is playing with him, he returns to the main hall and shouts for it to show itself. In return, he hears a woman's voice and turns to find a beautiful woman standing on the staircase. She is far from the beast he expected to find... She tells him she has her reasons for the snow, but she will only remain temporarily. Even so, she offers him a choice; he can either accept her for what he sees, or she can show him the beast.... Intrigued by the beauty before him, he decides to stay in the castle, to learn more about her. His brain is live with the idea that if he can win her over, then perhaps the power she holds can also be his. (Hetero Only)[/hider] [hider=Crown of Blades]Her village had been torn apart by raiders and the villagers slaughtered. Yet, somehow, she had managed to escape relatively unharmed. Her destination was a far one, but she never gave up, walking the great length to the kingdom many day’s journey away… Inside the city, dirty and tired, she collapsed. She drifted in and out of consciousness as she was picked off the ground. When she finally came to in full, she was lying in a bed—a nice bed. It’s not long before she’s approached by an old woman who informs her she in the castle. The woman hurries her to be cleaned, the woman’s wounds already tended to… Only once presentable, she is introduced to the young king who has allowed her into his home. All she knows is that someone brought her to the castle and the king agreed to let her rest. As she stands before the king, it’s clear to her that he finds her very alluring. In fact, he’s more than happy to let her stay and work in the castle, and she is thankful, needing the job and a place to stay. The king seems nice, and it’s clear the old woman is close to him, guiding him… As she begins to work in the castle, she begins to be warned by other maids about who to trust and who not to trust. Of all the people in the kingdom, she is told to beware of the executioner, for rumors state that he killed the king’s parents… The king doesn’t believe it, as he has known the executioner since he was small… The woman tries to stay out of their gossip and continues to work, not worrying about the people. As long as she worked, she had a place to live. That’s what she needed. Then came the day she would meet the executioner, while working along one evening, unaware that she is cleaning his room. He is as they described. While handsome, he is tall, muscular, and has a deep…threatening voice… It is clear that he is a man who sits at a high status given he brings death… She learns from him that he is the one who picked her up off the street, keeping her safe from the many ‘scum’ that walk the city… She thanks him for his kindness, though she has a feeling in her gut that he is not looking for praise for his kindness. He makes it clear very quickly that he expects her to show respect and loyalty to him, given he saved her life, when he could have simply left her to die… Realizing she could be in danger if upsets him, she says she understands and continues her work. It’s not long before she realizes that both the king and the executioner have different plans for her, and she is helpless to deny either of them. (Hetero Only)[/hider] [hider=Realm of the Imagined]His life had been spiraling out of control due to his own poor choices, and by the time he was in his early thirties, he knew he needed to change. He found the help, and a home, in his sister. In exchange for helping her take care of her infant son, she would help him get his life on track, get a job, and work toward his own bright future. As his world changed, he ended up staying in his sister's home to continue assisting with her child, as he knew her paycheck wasn't enough for everything he needed. When the child was seven-years-old and out with his mother, a drunk driver collided with their car and killed her. While recovering in the hospital, he learns that he has the option to adopt his brother as his own son, or to give him up to foster care. Having been in foster care himself, he refuses to send his nephew away and takes on the responsibility. As his nephew grew older, the loss of his mother was clear. He began excluding himself from activities outside the home, from people, and even from what family they had. He became obsessed with cartoons, specifically anime. It became all he ever talked about or even seemed to care about. He fought with his nephew more and more about getting out and living in the real world, but it never did any good. The stress caused him to fall back into his own bad habits, such as drinking and smoking, and his anger began to boil. One night he and his nephew locked horns after he saw his grades had plummeted at school and he was lashing out at teachers. In a fit of rage, he tore through his nephews room while he was away, tearing up every single poster and comic he could find. Every DVD, action figure, was broken. His TV overturned and his room utterly destroyed. If he wouldn't focus on school, he wouldn't be allowed to focus on his addiction either. After a massive fight between the two on his Nephew's return, his Nephew runs off to his friend's house. Only after he calmed down and saw what he had done did he feel some remorse, if only a little. He began to look through the papers, wondering what was so interesting about the comics that could completely draw his nephew away from reality. With a hand full of torn papers, he grabbed the TV to lift it onto its stand, and that was all he remembered other than a loud boom and a flash of light. With the TV still plugged in, a switch was turned and an exposed wire through the screen sent high voltage through his body. When he awakes, he finds himself surrounded by people looking over him--characters looking over him. Somehow, he has wound up in the world his nephew was obsessed with, and he himself has also become a character. As he panics and freaks out on those around him, he is quickly arrested by soldiers and dragged away to the castle in the distance. There, he is tossed into a cell, and remains for a night. Come morning, he is dragged to the throne room, but there is no royalty in the chair. Instead, what appears from a cloud of smoke is a beautiful woman who will soon guide him through the Realm of the Imagined. [i] (Can be Lesbian)[/i][/hider] [hider=Freedom from a King]His father was his hero. He'd only ever heard good things about him. He'd raised him from birth to be prepared to take the throne when death came his way. It wasn't until the murder of his friend and sword instructor that he learned of a group called 'The Hunters'. His father tells him its a merciless group that murdered his friend, murdered many members of the kingdom, and was causing problems with the people coming for trade. Now as a late teenager, his father tells him that he wants him to prove his loyalty to the kingdom and to go out and kill the leader of the Hunters. He accepts it and gathers his men to head out into the woods outside the kingdom walls... His men and he are ambushed and quickly subdued. When the prince is surrounded, the group of 'Hunters' opens and a woman walks forward, beside her a man he recognizes instantly. It's his friend and instructor... The woman is introduced as the leader of The Hunters, and to his surprise, she is beautiful...but also blind... She tells him that they have no intention of hurting him or his men and that they will all be free to leave, though she wishes the prince to listen to her before he goes. She tells him that he has been fooled by the king... The king has sheltered him, keeping the truth from him. The king is a Tyrant, a killer, and she and her people wish to prove it to him... She asks him to give her two weeks to change his views, and should she succeed, he will assist her in overthrowing the king... If she fails, she will willingly go with him back to the kingdom to face punishment... Though the prince is skeptical, he agrees to the offer and sends his men home, remaining behind to learn just what the group has to teach him. (Can be Lesbian)[/hider] [hider=Mirror... Mirror...]Long ago, a king stumbled upon the most beautiful woman in the world. He immediately fell in love with her, but his title alone could not win her. With trial and error, he worked his way into her kind heart and she agreed to be his wife. At his kingdom she was idolized for her beauty and her even more so for her kindness. Sadly, days before the wedding, a fire started in the maid's chamber. Realizing a child had been left behind, the woman entered the blaze and rescued the child. Though the child was unharmed, she came away with a hideous scar across her face that would never completely heal. The true nature of the king came to light when he cast her from the kingdom, unable to look upon her face. A legend began that told of a demon who felt her pain and offered her a deal... In exchange for her sacrificing young women to him every fifty years, not only would he restore her beauty and grant her endless youth, he would curse the king who betrayed her... From that day forward, every wife within the royal family would die during birth, and every daughter would be born still... An endless cycle of suffering for the king's descendants... Many centuries later, one young prince finally decides that he must attempt to bring the viscous cycle to an end by killing the wicked woman and the demon she formed a pack with. As he ventures out during the calling of young women, he stumbles upon a woman who has been summoned to become a sacrifice and he is entranced by her beauty. When she learns what he is seeking to do, she explains that the only way to get to 'The Tower' where the sacrifices are done, he must accompany a sacrifice. Because she is going willingly, she allows him to accompany her, but she knows well the world he is about to enter will challenge his view on reality. (Hetero Only)[/hider] [hider=Tears of an Angel]When a prince refuses to accept an arranged marriage, he attempts to run away from his duties. In the woods outside the realms of his kingdom, he is attacked and left for dead. As the world begins to vanish from before him, he hears an angelic voice singing to him and a glowing figure approaching... The next thing he knows, he awakens in his bed, his wounds healed. He isn't sure if what happened was real or just a dream. The only thing that seems out of place is a glowing white feather lying on the foot of his bed. Believing he was saved by an Angel for the purpose of going through with the marriage, he decides to swallow his pride and do what is expected of him. Elsewhere, an Angel is being scolded by her fiancé for her careless intervention. She, the Angel of Love, has strong beliefs that destiny is not set in stone, while her fiancé is known as the Angel of Destiny, and firmly believes that every change can throw everything off balance... Caring little for his scolding or his banning her from leaving Heaven, she sneaks away with the help of her friend and checks on the prince. It is while looking over the kingdom that she sees the princess he is to wed, standing beside her father as they talk... With Angelic Eyes, she can see the truth behind the two, and see the demons crawling beneath the skin... They plan to kill the prince after the wedding and take over the land... When pleads to the Angel of Destiny fail to sway him to allow her to stop the demons, to grant her the ability to fight them on the human grounds, she is distraught, but refusing to give up. To the shock of Heaven, she decides to make a deal with the Angel of Darkness, an angel sealed away long before the Angel of Love's creation. He offers to tear her wings from her body to allow her to walk upon the human realm, still with her angelic powers. If she succeeds in stopping the marriage, he will return her wings to her and she will return to her place in Heaven. However, should she fail and the prince marries the demon, she will be dragged into his realm and given wings of darkness, to stay at his side for all eternity. Though the risk is great, she agrees. (Can be Lesbian)[/hider] [hider=The Golden Soldier](This RP plot involves a pre-made character). Laurent Hurst, a man who stood above the rest...quite literally... Standing at 8'11" and in his forties, he had achieved more than most could. Living in the LaQuin Kingdom as the Golden Soldier, leader of the army. He had fame, fortune, and a wonderful life, but...he felt alone... Although people loved him, women could never see themselves with him. His height, so strange for a man who was purely human, just was something they couldn't get around... But then came a day where things changed... Shortly after returning to the kingdom after being away at war, he meets the king's newest maiden (caretaker of the children and garden) who he falls for in an instant. She is beautiful, kind, gentle, but she is distant and doesn't seem interested. Unlike him, she is inhuman, a rare sight in the kingdom due to their ban on magic... Even though her interest is thin, constant meetings and encounters help feelings bloom. However, it is well known that the king fancies the maiden as well, making it harder for the two to be together without causing a rift between the king and his highest soldier.[/hider] [hider=Time-Lock]Statistics were the source of one group's devotion... Every year, 293,066 women over the age of twelve are raped... Every year, 16,238 people are murdered... Every year, 1,460 children are murdered... With this knowledge, a group of women spent years dedicating their lives to stopping the violence against women and children... Knowing that to stop the crimes of their time, they had to alter the past... Tireless hours were poured into the designing of their secret facility and their 'time machine'. Knowing they could only send someone back who had nothing to lose, it took trial and error to find the perfect candidate, but once they had her, they went to work. Scaring, killing, and stopping the senseless crimes of the past slowly began to have a strong affect on the future, and though most missions were flawless...every good thing has to come to an end... During one trip into the past (medieval times), though the mission went as planned, the traveler finds that she cannot open the portal to return to her time... In the future, the lab has been raided by the FBI and the women have shut down the portal for safety. While attempting to fix the device, she is knocked unconscious and jailed by a village. Believing her to be a witch, they chain her with magical chains to subdue to 'inhuman' abilities... While sitting on display for days on end, there comes a day when a man rides into town. He is considered a 'hero' for fighting away the darkness that attacks the villages. He is the hero one would expect, but not the 'cleanest' in his ways. While he will work for money, if villagers are unable to pay, he accepts the company of the woman of his choice from the village in exchange. When he takes notice of the woman, he can tell something is different about her, but has a feeling she isn't the 'evil creature' the village believes she is... Tempting fate, he decides to exchange his services simply for them to allow him to remove her from the village. Although they warn him against it, he makes it clear that they accept the deal or he'll walk away and let them fall to the darkness...[/hider] [center][img]http://tinyurl.com/jr23mrb[/img][/center] [hider=Ink and Paper]His life was dull. He was a married man, had a teenage step-son, and he felt like everything was falling apart. There was no spark in his relationship. His son was driving him up the wall with his addiction to cartoons and anime. He was tired of being the 'bad cop' when it came to disciplining him and tied of the fights with his wife over his methods. He decides to see a therapist to vent, and the therapist suggests she try to understand what his step-son sees in the fantasy worlds he wraps himself in. She gives him a drawing book and tells him to draw. He doesn't have to show her what, but tells him to draw a character in the style his son admires. At home, he tosses it aside and goes about his life. He's not an artist and has no interest in trying to be, but after another week of absolute hell and feeling a deep sexual frustration with his wife, he finally decides to draw. Over the next few days, he spends time creating a sexy woman, imagining who she would be in real life, and by the end of the week, he has created a masterpiece (in his opinion). After another fight with his wife, he collapses into bed, angered, frustrated, and unhappy. It's then that he hears a seductive voice offering to 'make him feel better'. Suddenly, the woman from his drawing is crawling out of the art book and becoming a living being.[i] (Hetero only)[/i][/hider] [hider=Darkened Moon]His life was a roller-coaster. He had been an orphan since the murder of his parents as an infant. He was raised on the streets after running away from a foster family. He became a thug, a druggie, and had a sexual appetite. In his twenties, he remembered when the snow came...and never left... Months began to pass and the cold weather began to change the way people saw the world. That ice cold snow was falling everywhere, even in the hottest of deserts. It didn't stop his life. If the world was ending, he planned to live it up, but a bullet put a quick end to that when a rival caught him in the dark streets. As he lay bleeding in the snow, trying to accept his death, a group of men approached and dragged him into their van. They tell him that they have a deal for him if he wants to live... They run an organization and need fighters. If he agrees to work with them, they will save his life. Unwilling to die just yet, especially now with revenge on his mind, he agrees. He's saved with basic surgery, but he isn't prepared for what he's about to learn. The organization he has become part of is fighting against an alien invasion--the aliens being the reason for the snow that is covering the world. The aliens are seeking a very powerful orb that has the ability to enslave or destroy the entire universe if they can obtain it. This orb, however, cannot survive outside a host, and can only survive inside the body of a woman. Whenever a woman dies, it passes to the nearest woman who is healthy enough to contain it. What's unusual about the power in the orb is that it cannot be used by the female holding it, only the males who absorb it...yet males cannot hold it within them... As they learned, when the female reaches a peek of Adrenalin, be it through a fight (or flight) response, or even an orgasm, a bit of the power radiates out and can be absorbed by whatever is touching her. The aliens have been kidnapping, raping, and ultimately killing the women who did not possess the power. This is where the man came in. The group had created an orb that contained a similar power, but not quite of the same magnitude. With it, they know he can fight and rival against the aliens to help save the world... The orb is implanted into the man and he gains inhuman abilities (we can discuss what type you'd like). Months later, after back to living his own life, he gets a letter calling him to a meeting where he is to meet his 'leader' for his first job. He's not happy about having a 'leader', but heads to meet him...and he becomes even more upset when he finds out his leader is a woman. [i](Hetero Only)[/i][/hider] [hider=Her Little Maid]He was a powerful man, son of an even more powerful man. He had wealth, got everything he wanted, and had everything at his feet. Then one day everything came crashing hard when his father was assassinated, and he was next on the list. After barely getting away with his life, it’s decided he will go into hiding. Due to a lot of his wealth being through illegal means, police cannot be involved, and so he simply agrees to do what’s needed to survive. He’s taken to a very remote village where only women live. The women could be considered extreme feminists, haters of men, and so on. He is dressed like a woman and told he will be taking up work as a maid for one of the powerful women of the village. She is incredibly sexy, and while he tries to control himself, it’s not easy. He has to hide his gender, yet is surrounded by many other girls at all times. It won’t be long before his secret is revealed, but to his luck, the woman has no interest in turning him away… [i](Can be Lesbian)[/i][/hider] [hider=Peace, Love, and Bloodshed]She was the most beautiful woman alive... Seductive, enchanting, drop dead sexy, and best of all, men knew she loved sex. Even so, there was more to her than that. She was a believer of peace and love between all creatures, which meant her love was spread to any she deemed worthy to obtain it... However, when someone refused peace and love over war and death, she believed that blood must shed to atone for the sin of man... When two kings feud over land and once seeks peace, the other refusing, the deity is called to help. She will travel a great distance to kill the king should he not accept her proposal for peace. In fear of his life, he summons a great demon to protect him from the depths of hell... As she travels, she will meet many strangers from all walks of life...as well as face many dark creatures the demon sends her way to challenge her strength... [i](Hetero Only)[/i][/hider] [hider=Rome's Secret Blade]A rapist has been wreaking havoc in the city of Rome, but not in the way most would think. Instead of being a cruel man who attacks and violates women, it is quite the opposite. It is a female who is hunting down the men... Because of this, most of the men who have been attacked by her care little and even hope she comes by again. Across the city, word is spreading, but it comes with laughs and hope that others might fall prey to the Rapist of Rome. One soldier/senator/scholar/fighter has become quite interested in the story and begins to look into it as much as he can, but little is known. So little, it's hard to say if this 'female rapist' even exists. Due to her attacking in the darkest of night, little is known about her appearance. The most he has gathered from the son of a senator was that his friend's friend had seen a marking on her arm. It gives him little to go on. A tattoo? A bruise? He didn't know... During a visit to the Emperor's kingdom, the man is introduced to the ruler's daughter, a beautiful young woman. She is kind, sweet, but seems to be rather quiet about her life. Then again, he is not someone she needs to confess her life to, so it doesn't mean much... However, during one late night in the kingdom, a warning is sounded that a 'cloaked figure' was seen entering the kingdom and everyone begins to move, trying to find the intruder. As he storms into the washing chamber to check, he is shocked to find the future empress bathing, a cloak on the ground. At first, he worries that the intruder is hiding and she hadn't notice the entrance due to her eyesight...but when he notices a marking on her arm, everything begins to unravel... [i](Hetero Only)[/i][/hider] [hider=Subway Stranger]She had been a very powerful business woman in the United States, but when transferred to a facility in Germany, it seemed that no one saw her as they did back in the states. Instead of being powerful, smart, and able to work in business, all they saw was...a woman... Immediately, she was harassed by the endless line men in the business, and worse, she had to ride a very packed subway with them to work every morning...and wandering hands became just another thing she grew used to. However, one day, she is cornered by a man from behind who has a knife. Unwilling to risk her health by looking back at him or screaming, she puts up with the assault... After this, she begins to wonder who would go that far. Is it a coworker? Her boss? Maybe even her friend? She doesn't know, but she's determined to find out, even though she has a feeling he's still got his eye on her.[/hider] [hider=Underground Rumble]In the seedy underworld, there is a arena for fighters looking to make some quick money. In this arena there are two types of fighters and two types of battles. Some fighters are free and fighting on their own, while others work with seedy managers to gain larger money (not all willingly). One style of fighting is your average and basic hand to hand, blow to blow style fighting...while the other is far more sexual. The top male fighter is a man who came into the ring willingly, but fights under management to make sure he gets his money’s worth. The top female fighter is a woman who was bought by a manager and trained over the years. Both have a loss free record, and now the two will be pitted against one another in battle. The wagers are high, but the battle comes out as a tie...leaving people stunned and no money earned or lost. Although another fight will be scheduled, in the mean time, the male fighter wants to get to know his opponent better, but finds that her manager is less than willing to consider letting the two meet outside the ring.[/hider] [hr] [center][h1]Series Roleplays[/h1] For series, I will just post the pairings to save time. If the pairings interest you, message me for the plot. Most are Canon X OC (where I play a female OC and you a male canon). Unless it specifically says OC x OC as an option, then it's not an option. I will play canons from the show as side-characters and supporting characters.[/center] [h3][u][u]Cartoons[/u][/u][/h3] ⊙[b]Avatar the Last Airbend [/b] Main Pairing: Zuko X OC Other characters from show to be split up among us for the sake of the plot as needed. Since these are the lesser chosen pairings, plots will be shared when interest is peeked. ⊙[b]Justice League[/b] Main Pairing: Your choice of canon from the show X OC Other characters to be played by both for the sake of the plot as needed. ⊙[b]Hunchback of Notre Dame[/b] Main Pairing: Clopin X OC We can consider other characters for side characters. OC or from the movie. ⊙ Beauty and the Beast Main Pairing: Gaston x OC [hr] [h3][u][u]Video Games[/u][/u][/h3] ⊙[b]Resident Evil[/b] Main Pairings: Wesker X OC or Chris X OC Chris/Wesker is to be played by either of us, or just one of us as needed for plot focus. ⊙[b]Devil May Cry[/b] Main Pairing; Dante X OC or Vergil X OC ⊙[b]Arkham City[/b] Main Pairing: Joker X OC Other characters to be played by both for the sake of the plot as needed. ⊙[b]Tales of Symphonia[/b] Main Pairing: Your choice between Zelos, Regal, or Yuan X OC Other characters to be played by both for the sake of the plot as needed. ⊙[b]Mortal Kombat[/b] Main pairing: Take your pick x OC Personal favorite male OCs: Scorpion, Goro, Erron Black, Kano, Quan Chi... ⊙[b]Earthbound[/b] Main Pairing: OC x OC ⊙[b]Hitman[/b] Main Pairing: Agent 47 x OC [hr] [h3][u][u]Anime[/u][/u][/h3] ⊙[b]Dragon Ball Z[/b] Main Pairing: Your call X OC Other characters to be played by both for the sake of the plot as needed. ⊙[b]Samurai Champloo[/b] Main Pairing: Jin x Mugen x Fuu x OC In short, we're going to have them all in this. :) ⊙[b]Slayers[/b] Main Pairing: Zelgadis x OC x xellos Other Characters: Lina, Amelia, Gourry Xellos can be played by one of us or both of us. ⊙[b]Zoids ~ Guardian Force[/b] Main Pairing: Karl x OC Other characters to be played by both for the sake of the plot as needed. ⊙[b]Naruto[/b] Main Pairing: Preferably; Kakashi x OC or Neji X OC. Other characters to be played by both for the sake of the plot as needed. ⊙[b]Yu Yu Hakusho[/b] Main pairing: Your choice between Hiei, Kurama, or Kuwabara x OC. Other characters to be played by both for the sake of the plot as needed. ⊙[b]YuGiOh[/b] Main Pairing: Kaiba x OC, but it may adjust as the story goes through due to plot. Other characters to be played by both for the sake of the plot as needed. ⊙[b]One Piece[/b] We're playing everyone, let's leave it at that. :) ⊙[b]Inuyasha[/b] Main Pairing: Sesshoumaru X OC ⊙[b]Rurouni Kenshin[/b] Due to being very Au most likely. Any male Character you like (from the anime) X OC ⊙[b]Pokemon[/b] Main Pairing: Your choice between OC x OC, Mewtwo x OC, Brock x OC, or Professor Sycamore x OC [hr] [h3][u][u]Movies/Shows[/u][/u][/h3] ⊙[b]House[/b] Main Pairing Options: Dr. House x OC Dr. Chase x OC Dr. Wilson x OC ⊙[b]Hellboy[/b] Main Pairing: Hellboy x OC ⊙[b]Riddick[/b] Main pairing: Riddick x OC ⊙[b]Pirates of the Caribbean[/b] Main Pairing: Jack x oc ⊙[b]Harry Potter[/b] Main Pairing: Adult Draco x OC Other characters to be played by both for the sake of the plot as needed. ⊙[b]X-Men[/b] Main Pairing: Kurt x Logan x OC x Male Oc Other characters to be played by both for the sake of the plot as needed. ⊙[b]Jurassic Park[/b] Main Pairing: OC x OC ⊙[b]Cabin in the Woods[/b] Main Pairing: Fornicus x OC ⊙[b]Thor/Loki[/b] Main Pairing: Your choice between Thor or Loki x OC Other characters to be played by both for the sake of the plot as needed. ⊙[b]Halloween[/b] Main Pairing: Michael Myers x OC [hr]