[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/HgCgS3N.png[/img][/center] Quite frankly, there were a lot of things happening all at once and they all happened so fast that CC didn't really know how to react. She was sure there was a swear word placed in the middle there, but after that? Nothing but explosions and one long ass concussion. One moment she was hellbent in turning Kitten into road mush and the next she was hurting all over, groaning beneath the weight that was her former prey. Much like Kitten had predicted, the Hacker survived but she was in no condition to fight back. Not when her weapon was cast aside and her bike was totaled; a dull ache of anger resonated through her at that last fact. With bleary eyes and a heated stare, she looked up at Kitten and met her eye for eye. [color=f26522]"Well? You gonna do something or just keep me like a fucking party toy all day? Or maybe you get your kicks off pinning girls down? And they call me the goddamn psycho. Fucking piss bitch."[/color] Kitten placed her claws against Corpse Collector's throat, ready to kill her with just a flick of her wrist. But first she had some questions to ask. [color=orange]"Don't worry, I will kill you. But first I have some questions, and I know you have answers. Today at Purple Crown, things went completely bonkers. There was fights going on at the school, White Sun declares war even during the festival, and now you're back, despite all the live reports of your hacking exploits. Complete and total chaos, and I definitely know that the Ebony Strykers are hurting from this. What I want to know who is planned it. I've been with you long enough to know you don't have the patience or smarts to pull off something this big. So someone else is pulling your strings. Now tell me, or dying will be the least of your worries."[/color] Kitten said with a harsh tone as she pressed her claws against Corpse Collector's neck. It's only been a few days, but Kitten wasn't the same as when she first started. She's not afraid to bloody her hands anymore. [color=f26522]"Grhnn!"[/color] CC gagged as the claw was placed very delicately over her throat. More hatred gleamed in her eyes and she gritted her shark teeth tightly, grinding them with irritation. Yet she was stuck in this position, forced to listen to whatever Kitten demanded. And certainly, she had some lofty demands. [color=f26522]"Kind of hard to answer when I'm choking here dumbass,"[/color] she hissed, waiting for the claw to move before swiftly retorting. [color=f26522]"First off, fuck you. Second, why the hell would I tell you anything? Ooh, what, you gonna torture me or something? We're in a video game you dump shit. Like anything you say can scare me. Besides, even if I did know all the dirty details, like ass I'm telling you. I just like to shoot people."[/color] [color=orange]"That's because if there's one thing I've learned these past few days, it's that DGO can turn people into monsters. It makes good people do things that only a demon would do. And I'm no angel, CC. People like you, you need DGO. It's the only place where you can feel 'alive'. But I can take that away from you. You think you're uncomfortable right now, just think how it'll be like if you're stuck like this for hours. Days, Forever. Every time you log in, you're trapped. And you wouldn't be alone either. On no, there will be people watching you. Using you however they please while all you can do is lay there like a piece of meat. They wouldn't kill you, not while they can have fun. You know exactly what I'm talking about CC. Now answer my questions, and then we can go back to our regular business."[/color] Kitten spoke with a stone faced demeanor. Her time with Rampaging Tiger had been a very dark but eye-opening one. It was the side of DGO- No, the side of humanity that Hibiki says she'd fight, but she never really knew what she was up against. It wasn't like the cartoons were the villains just wanted to destroy or take over the world. It was much worse. But now that she knows what exactly is on the other side in that dark abyss, Kitten has accepted that it's a part of her life that needs to be stopped but it can also be used. Maybe it wasn't the heroic thing to do, but Kitten at least knew where it was now. So now she can use it, and one day, destroy it. Alright, she could admit. Kitten was definitely different than their last meeting. Ignoring the blatant obvious that she had been able to trick her-wait, no. That happened last time too....even so, CC maintained her glare, used to this kind of talk. [color=f26522]"You're fucking bluffing. You have to be. There's no fucking way you can ensure a Hacker like me can be kept here forever,"[/color] she said with growing confidence and a sneer. [color=f26522]"Face it Kitty. All you have are empty threats and those don't even fucking scare me!"[/color] Kitten's eyes narrowed as she starred directly into Corpse Collector. Trying to get a read on her, trying to figure out if Corpse Collector was trying to call Kitten out because she knows Kitten is lying, or because she hopes Kitten is lying. [color=orange]"Haven't you wondered why I'm not level 9? Even though Moon Rider herself said that anyone who killed you would be? That's because I got something better then that. A few friends, I think you might recognize them: Sweepers."[/color] Just saying the name made Kitten's mouth bitter, but she wasn't going to show it. Just like CC, Kitten was sure that the Sweepers used hackers and they were certainly a depraved bunch. She was half-surprised that the Ebony Stryker's performance wasn't lewd or full of debauchery. [color=orange]"The only reason I was able to kill you that day was because one of their hackers shut down your cheats. They could easily keep you imprisoned. You should really thank me. If I didn't kill you that day, they would have captured you themselves. And if you think they're bad enough when they pick on innocent players, just think how bad they'll be once they get their hands on someone they hate. The best thing I can do for you is to kill you. You don't want to know what would happen if I didn't. So answer my questions, fast. They're already on their way."[/color] Well now, she was in quite the predicament. On one hand, Corpse Collector knew Kitten was lying; at least concerning the Sweepers being nearby. If that were the case, she would have picked them up already. And yet....their prowess manipulating the game's coding and flat out hacking was on par with her own. It wouldn't surprise her at all if they were using some method to block her cheat, just like before. And that was another thing; CC widened her eyes in disbelief to hear that a Sweeper of all people was the one responsible for her miserable defeat. Suddenly she was grinding her teeth not in annoyance, but nervousness. She knew damn well the Sweepers had the capacity to keep her restrained and if the cat wasn't talking out of her ass... [color=f26522]"Fine, fine, fucking fine! For fuck's sake...gahh, motherfuck!"[/color] CC snarled, spouting venom at the fact that she had been played by Smitten Kitten by yet again. [color=f26522]"Isn't it obvious? You said yourself that it was White Sun who up and declared war on the other Guilds. So why the hell are you asking me if she's responsible?!? What, you think there's some kind of conspiracy going on kitty cat?"[/color] she asked, struggling just a little harder to escape Kitten's clawed grip. Smitten Kitten placed her talons just right above Corpse Collector's eyes, ready to rip them out if she keeps trying to struggle. [color=orange]"Yes. You, a notorious hacker who was seen blatantly cheating, is still around. You certainly aren't on the Sweeper's side if they were so quick to take you out, so someone else has to be helping you. White Sun seems like the obvious choice, but she's too crazy for someone like you. Plus with all the people on her side, she wouldn't need to be so underhanded as to hire a known hacker. Definitely not you. Yet I can also see how, between you and her, you both benefit from the chaos going on right now, but you two aren't allies. I bet White Sun doesn't even know you. So there has to be someone else. Someone else who not only is using the guild for themselves, but also bailed you out when you should have been banned a long time ago."[/color] Smitten Kitten slid her claws right over Corpse Collector's eye lobes, her small fingers right above Corpse Collector's sockets. All she needed to do was pull. [color=orange]"I don't have time for your bullshit Corpse Collector. If you don't tell me what I want to know, I will rip out your eyes so every Sweeper can skull fuck all three holes in your face."[/color] [color=f26522]"Pfft, wow, great, real fucking deductive of you Kitty Cat,"[/color] CC said, eyes darting about and staring at Kitten's claws. Despite her bold words, her gaze exposed how fearful she was. [color=f26522]"Geez, when the hell did you become so edgy? You're half right you half baked bitch. Yeah, I know White Sun but we don't exactly get along if that wasn't so fucking obvious. As for what's really going on and who's pulling strings...remember back to our first conversations you asshat. Who the fuck do you think gave me these hacker privelages in the first place,"[/color] she snickered. [color=f26522]"There, that's your lead. Now piss off."[/color] [color=orange]"I need a name you dumb bitch! Don't try to play me like a fool"[/color] If Kitten wasn't certain that it would kill her she would have taken one of Corpse Collector's eyes. Though truthfully, Smitten Kitten simply doesn't remember that far: it's been a long time and a lot of information was lost between then and now. [color=orange]"I know you didn't just go after the black king for a personal grudge. We're pass that point. I want names you stupid bitch, not more riddles."[/color] Kitten pressed her fingers against Corpse Collector's eyeballs, just lightly squeezing them. But even if it was lightly, most people aren't use to having their eyes touched at all, certainly not from above. [color=f26522]"Look for fuck's sake kitty, you think my employer just goes around dropping their names! All I know is that he goes by Silver something."[/color] CC met Kitten's anger with her own, getting pissed off at the demands being made. The touch against her pupils was enough to make her flinch though and she kicked from underneath Kitten more rapidly. [color=f26522]"You're right, I didn't do it because I hate the that edgy bitch. I did it because my employer hates her and, oh wait, yeah, I do hate that stuck up ass hat! So go search for people who hate Moon Rider instead of hounding me fuck face!"[/color] [color=orange]"Thank you."[/color] With a swift jerk and a swipe, Smitten Kitten tore Corpse Collector's eyes out and slashed her throat. Kitten may not have the assassination perk, but even she was certain this would have killed Corpse Collector. And if not, then it would be a good time to leave anyways. Kitten had to continue the conversation just a bit longer until her Devil Cat Ghost ability was off cool down. Expecting Corpse Collector's possible retaliation, and for someone to come by to investigate the explosion, Smitten Kitten left the scene as fast as she could, looking for a safe place to hide out at. While she didn't get all the answers she was hoping for Kitten had a lead for now. She knew for certain that someone was manipulating White Sun, someone who was a hacker like Corpse Collector or even better. Someone who doesn't like Moon Rider and calls himself Silver something. If this person, whoever he or she is, is manipulating things behind the scenes then Kitten had a lot of work to do. This was going to be a big scoop, and not only that, but if Kitten could figure out who's doing all of this then maybe she could change things for the better. Even if she has blood on her hands she will make sure that things turn out alright in the end. First things first however, she needed to go investigate. This battle in DGO was important, but not as important as what's happening in real life. As soon as Kitten got to a sanctuary she logged out of DGO, grabbed some of her things, and went back to school. There had to be some clues left there. It was late but Hibiki was still high off the excitement from DGO. Train tagged along, jumping into her bag as she went back to investigate the festival. [hr] [center][@Ryonara], [@KoL][/center]