[I]Outside the Welcome Inn:[/i] [color=tan]"I already know where the Duchess is. Grandmother was sent to Blyth Priory. She--"[/color] Winston’s eyes began to widen with excitement at Olivia's revelation, but the joy was quickly replaced by disappointment as the handmaiden interrupted. But her nervous glance passed him told the big Knight that they weren't as alone together as he had thought. He added his own farewells, then reversed his path. He didn't look about for the men Darma may have noticed, not wanting them to know he cared about their presence or lack thereof. After just a hundred yards or so, a figured stepped out of the shadows before him. Winston hesitated, but only for a moment as this shadowy figure was with him. Additional Expedition Guardsman who had been watching Winston and the Noble woman joined the growing squad until finally there were six men walking slowly together down the poorly lit street. The men shared what they'd seen and heard, coming to the conclusion that Count Barker and his man Crone had sent possibly as many as a dozen spies out to keep an eye on Paul and his Company. Winston assigned two pairs of men to watch over Olivia and her hand maiden: one pair was to check into the Welcome Inn, giving them reason to be on the second floor where Olivia would surely have a room; and the other -- entering later to look less conspicuous -- were to remain in the first floor tavern, watching the door for any potential trouble makers. After the four departed, Winston and the other man headed back toward the Black Raven with the good news: Duchess Eddithia's location had been discovered. ……… [I]Inside the Black Raven[/i] Paul’s lips widened just a bit at Sophie’s suggestion that he remove his wet clothes. She seemed determined to get him undressed, and -- honestly -- Paul had no qualms about that at all. The only unanswered question was what did she have planned following that: laundry or sex. With his eyes firmly upon the young beauty, Paul loosened the hooks and unlatched the buckle holding closed [url=http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2014/03/18/article-2583099-1C60A37300000578-354_634x752.jpg]his traveling tunic[/url]. He removed it and offered it out to Sophie; then he pulled his undershirt over his head, offering it as well, exposing [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/63/29/cd/6329cdccb5993bd7a98c88be06274d13.jpg]his fit torso[/url] to the woman...