[center][h2][color=00aeef]Martin Price[/color][/h2][/center] [hider=Current Team] [IMG]https://img.pokemondb.net/sprites/black-white/normal/nincada.png[/IMG] Nincada Level 10 Status: Needs healing now. [IMG]https://img.pokemondb.net/sprites/black-white/normal/bulbasaur.png[/IMG] Bulbasaur Level 10 Status: Needs healing now.[/hider] [hider=Inventory] 4400 P Antidote X1 Pokeball X3[/hider] The fight went on, with good tactics and rolling the dice for that extra push to winning. Bulbasaur looked to be gaining power as it was coming to a close, Nincada being on his last legs. The two wrestled, the odds clear that he was going to lose unless the next Pokeball worked. It manged to leave Martin holding his breath, considering what to do if it failed. With a click, his heart stopped for a second, followed by pumping his arms in celebration. Nincada was weak, and only managed a single short jump to add to the moment. Martin ended up yelling out, caught in the moment, [color=00aeef]"Alright, I caught a Bulbasaur! I'm gonna give a good name for a tough guy. That can wait till I tell you in person later."[/color] He pulled out Nincada's ball and looked down at his champion, [color=00aeef]"Good job, Nincada. Take a rest, you earned it. I'm gonna find a place to heal you up and then we can get right back into this."[/color] With a flash of red light, Nincada was returned, leaving just Martin standing there. First step was trying to find that Pokeball he threw earlier, if it was even still in the area. Next step was getting out of this drain and finding a place to heal up. Pureplain City probably was the best place to go, seeing as he didn't spot any on this route. He strolled back along the drain, looking for a way back out of here. He really wanted to figure out why the water level was low still, so he still had plans of going back. Action: Specify: Go back to Pureplain City and heal his Pokemon up. While there, go shopping for needed supplies.