I'm sorry but I sort of ended up doubling up... Although in role-play wise They'd be almost always together that they'd might as well be one... [hr] [list] [*]Name: [list] [*]Agnese Huracan [/list] [*]Age: [list] [*]Twenty-three [/list] [*]Gender: [list] [*]Female [/list] [*]Race: [list] [*]Human [/list] [*]Appearance: [list] [*] [img] https://s2.postimg.org/dwmko9ke1/djeeta_granblue_fantasy_drawn_by_minaba_hideo.png [/img] [/list] [*]History: [list] [*]Nothing out of the ordinary with her life, the most significant thing she has done up to this point has been to open a roadside cafe slash restaurant in partnership with a good friend she met during her high school years. Studied chemistry but never really got anything out of it, aside from the odd recipe ideas brought about by her knowledge in the subject. The mundane nature of her life is one of the reasons she's decided to do this in the first place. She just needed some spice in her life, and not the herbal sort. [/list] [*]Personality: [list] [*]Passionate about all things culinary and music [*]An adorable mass of cheerful energy is a good summary of what Agnese is... [*]She is approachable and sociable almost all the time, though yes only almost because she will make it clear that she doesn't want to talk to you when she just isn't in the mood... [*]Surprisingly can be a potty mouth which sorts of ruins her general "innocence".. [*] While optimistic she still has clarity in seeing if something is really too far down the hole to salvage... [/list] [*]Abilities: [list] [*]Along with what would be expected with her from the old world her and Amelie's main piece de resistance is their magical link between the two of them called "Chain Module"... [*]This magical link allows two young women who don't really have any combat experience or skills at all to be a substantial force on a battlefield. It simply powers both of them the closer they are to one another, with the maximum link range being about a kilometer. [*]Although at that distance the link is so weak that it's barely better than just being alone... [*]Effects include greatly improved durability, for when one strikes at the body or the armour and weapons of one of the pair, those of the other will share the load, amplified by the proximity of each pair... Thus when the two form a small shield wall, they are extremely difficult to take out... [*]Now while Agnese can theoretically fulfill any role in a group she, like Amelie prefer to be in a role of durability, with both wearing heavy armour and equipped with weapons that compliment each other. [*]Add to that some basic combat abilities and that's it.. [/list] [*]Equipment: [list] [*]Starts off with a suit of armour a shield and a longsword. [*]Also a pack with some portable cooking equipment and utensils... [/list] [*]Other: [list] [*]Will almost always be near Amelie if she can help it... [/list] [/list] [hr] [list] [*]Name: [list] [*]Amelie Huayra [/list] [*]Age: [list] [*]Twenty-three [/list] [*]Gender: [list] [*]Female [/list] [*]Race: [list] [*]Human [/list] [*]Appearance: [list] [*] [img] https://s24.postimg.org/fw3j5koit/sharena_fire_emblem_and_fire_emblem_heroes_dra.png [/img] [/list] [*]History: [list] [*]In contrast with Agnese's. Amelie's life before she eventually met with Agnese in high school was reasonably filled with excitement. From hiking up mountain trails to being in safari's in africa. Though her meeting Agnese was the point she decided to settle down and run their roadside cafe slash restaurant. Surprisingly Agenese was the one who got her back int "adventuring" when this incident decided to impose itself upon their quiet lives... [/list] [*]Personality: [list] [*]She switches it a bit with Agnese in that she's more passionate about music than food, she likes to eat food more than make it, thankfully for her Agnese is there for the latter... [*]She is a tad more calm of a person than her friend although she still also knows how to have fun... [*]She is a reasonable person and is as sociable as her friend if a bit quieter. [/list] [*]Abilities: [list] [*]Her outdoorsy nature before settling down comes with the beneficial skills associated with such a lifestyle... [*]Her abilities otherwise are identical to that of Agnese although she's more fit and also slightly better at actual combat due to past experience... [/list] [*]Equipment: [list] [*]Starts of equipped similarly as Agnese [*]Also a survival kit... [/list] [*]Other: [list] [*]Will almost always be near Agnese if she can help it... [/list] [/list]