[@Caits] Cheers for the advice, but I'm good. As you've no doubt noticed, I'm a stickler for realism, especially in terms of medicine. Ergo, anything like that will be researched properly for my posts, including the effects of diazepam and sleep deprivation in the post in question. I'll clear things up for you: [quote=Caits]"more for keeping anxiety stable"[/quote] Virgil hasn't got Anxiety, so this doesn't apply. As you're probably aware, diazepam (However, I really should change that to benzos, what with the larger amount of drugs under the umbrella of it) can be used for a multitude of issues. The main thing it does (from what I've gathered from research) however, is relax the Central Nervous System - which is where his little leech is sat. Said leech causes problems for Virgil such as seizures, tremors, and high blood pressure; Diazepam targets all of these. Hence his taking of it. [quote=Caits]"it would actually put him to sleep?"[/quote] I think [@Jacobite] explained this one nicely (Thank-You!) enough. Effectiveness of drugs differ between people, and of course, tolerance levels. While I haven't specifically outlined that Virgil suffers from chronic insomnia in his CS, what he's probably suffering from in this instance will be Psychophysiological insomnia - when one cannot go to sleep due to a fixation on something. In most cases, the sufferer cannot sleep because they fixate too much on trying to go to sleep, and then worry about it when it doesn't happen. A self-fulfilling prophecy, I suppose - in Virgil's case, he's fixated on his work and a possible euraka moment. The caffeine from his coffee is likely aiding him in staying awake too. [quote=Caits]"I didn't say middle earth, I was just asking if you guys were aware"[/quote] You did tag me specifically about this query, so... yeah? I don't mind of course, but this was directed at me. Basically, you likely don't have to worry about the accuracy of my posts. If I don't know something about a drug, or medical condition, then I either research it myself or don't use it at all. If I'm ever stuck in a real rut, I can always ask my Mother. She has got 30 years of nursing behind her belt, and definitely knows her stuff. I hope that cleared everything up for you! Please let me know if anything I write confuses you in the future. :) Oh, and also excited for assignments!