[center][h2][color=green]Nathan Campbell[/color][/h2] [h3]2200 Hours[/h3][/center] [color=green]"Just hunting one of the elite of the universe and essentially going against the council."[/color] Nathan shook his head with a small smile, [color=green]"Yeah no big deal."[/color] He added sarcastically. Though Kieran had asked if he was an Alliance spy first but then switched to the Council real quick, something Nate noted that maybe he was more worried and paranoid than their leader was letting on. [color=green]"I was recruited by whoever handled the recruitment Kieran, don't worry about it. But if I'm being honest it's way too much of a coincidence, sounds to me like someone was trying to bring someone you had a past and possibly trust with onboard. And if that's the case then they know enough about you and your past to know that we knew each other years ago."[/color] Nate flashed him a smile, [color=green]"Just a thought." [/color] Though the realization that they were working off the Shadow Broker's information and money didn't sit completely comfortable with Nathan he decided to keep it to himself for now. His old comrade gave a thumbs up and gave up his overall plan that had Nate chuckle. [color=green]"Shooting for the moon aren't you? I mean you want to take down the Geth with just one ship, something the entire Quarian race couldn't do. Don't go on a power trip just because you have a ship and crew now."[/color] Nathan spoke jokingly, but he still meant it. [color=green]"So, you going show me where I'm going to be sleeping or what?"[/color]