[center][color=00a651][h2]Luigi[/h2][/color] [b][color=00a651]Level:[/color][/b] 2 [b][color=00a651]Day/Time:[/color][/b] Day One - Evening [b][color=00a651]Location:[/color][/b] Kingdom of Erion - Outside the Abandoned Castle [b][color=00a651]Tag:[/color][/b] The many faces of [@Holy Soldier], Naija [@DracoLunaris], Fox [@Etherean Fire] [b][color=00a651]Word Count:[/color][/b] 1019 [color=00a651][b]Napple Seed planted? Shoulder healed![/b][/color][/center] "[color=00a651]Brigan turned out to be a two faced, traitorous rat.[/color]" Luigi answered bluntly to Naija and Fox, hoping to explain exactly [i]why[/i] things on his side of the mission had gone to hell in a hand-basket to such a degree. He didn't want to make it look like he was just making excuses for his poor leadership but having their local contact actively setting them up and being prepared to abandon them to die was just unfair. Blinking a little, Luigi looked around as he asked "[color=00a651]Where's Mario?[/color]" The question wouldn't have enough time to be answered however because the world around him proved that just when one believed it was as bad as it could get, it took the time to show him that the pit that they had found themselves in could in fact be dug deeper as not only did Brigan himself decide that now was a [i]wonderful[/i] time to burst through the roof of the castle, but another giant pulsing with dark power that he could only assume was the Demon King Odin that they had originally been sent here to safe the world and whom Naija's team had been sent to delay not only arrived but did so with a flock of battle ready warrior women at his beck and call. Watching as Odin pulled his fist back and started to throw it at the ground right at Fox's feet! Fearful for the pilot's life, Luigi threw himself at Fox to tackle him out of the way of the blow, hissing with pain as the action messed with the gunshot wound in his shoulder but it was a penitence compared to what might have happened if either of them were struck by the blow directly. Even if both of them dodged, both of them were thrown through the air because of the shockwave sent out from the blow! Landing on the ground and rolling a bit, Luigi grunted in pain as he turned to see if Odin was planing a follow up attack... Watching the 'fight' between Odin and Brigan was highly informative (as well as a small degree of cathartic); Having seen the lack of damage that his team had been doing in their brief engagement with Brigan, watching Odin send him flying into a wall with one solid blow from a massive ball and chain and actually shatter two of the plates that made up the shield that covered him was an awe inspiring degree of power... and freaking terrifying in that they were going to have to go up against it. Brigan of course showed his true colors and fled into the forest like the coward that he was and with completely honestly Luigi couldn't actually blame him for it this time... Well, he could and would curse the bastards name with what was likely to be his final breaths, but the sheer raw power that Odin seemed to process was something worthy of fleeing from. As Naija flew past, throwing healing fruit with some of the Valkyries on her tail and requesting assistance from Fox, Luigi quickly took a bite of the fruit and sighed with relief as the wound on his shoulder seemed to heal practically instantly. Pulling his power hammer out, he was about to go and assist Naija alongside Fox (having no order to really give his own team other then stay alive and he trusted that they would have worked that out for themselves) when one of the other Valkyrie's caught his eye. This one was different from her sisters because this one wore a [i]very familiar[/i] red hat with an M on the front... Luigi was an intelligent coward; This often meant that his mind could think up plenty of nerve wrecking, horrible little things on a day to day basis that would hammer away at what little nerve that he had... but seeing that hat on that winged woman's head filled him with such overwhelming dread that it made him go numb to the world around him. He didn't know what had happened to Mario... he didn't know what state Mario was currently in or even if he was alive or dead... but he was going to get that hat back if he had to crush that winged bitches skull into paste to do it. A part of him wanted to ask Fox to help him; To try and get the woman to focus her attention solely on him and then have Fox shoot her in the back because they didn't have the time to waste on an honor duel right now but Naija clearly needed the assistance badly. "[color=00a651]Go help Naija... then try and help the rest of my team. Odin's going to be hard enough without the support of a flock of winged vermin.[/color]" He muttered surprisingly calmly, loud enough for Fox to hear, giving him the list of priorities that he needed to focus on right now. Luigi himself started to walk towards his hat wearing enemy... before picking up speed as he started to run towards her, hammer held back as if he was winding up a large blow towards her middle/right leg... until he was barely two meters away from her, where he reveled the feint as he launched himself upwards in a jump, intent on driving his full weight (plus the weight of his hammer) down on the winged bat's head with a stomp that had ended many an enemy before. Regardless of what happened, his plan for this fight was simply; Play defensively while taunting her into a rage to not just tire her out, but create openings to slam his hammer into her. Speaking of insults, with a pure, vile hatred to his words he challenged "[color=00a651]Nice hat. Tell me, were you just the lucky one out of the cowardly swarm to snatch it or did you scavenge it after your master did all the hard work like the diseased vulture that you are?![/color]" Despite the rage that coursed through his body, Luigi felt... strangely in control. Like the calm at the center of a cyclone.