[i]In Paul's Room Black Raven Inn:[/i] [color=lightgreen]"I will take my leave to have your garments cleaned, my Lord,"[/color] Sophia said, looking but not really looking at Paul's now bared upper half. He wondered whether she was shy, modest, or coy. Either was of as much interest to him as the other, though he would have bet money on the latest. [color=lightgreen]"Do you require anything else from me?"[/color] "Require...?" Paul asked. He let his gaze fall to her bosom, then even lower before for just an instant -- to ensure that she'd noticed the ogle -- before finishing his response, "No. Not require." He left Sophia's interpretation of his answer to her, as he half turned away from her, flipping open a reinforced leather case in which here his extra clothes. One of the Inn's boys had struggled earlier in the day to dislodge the [i]box[/i] from the back of Paul's second horse before carrying it up to the room. Paul had offered to help the lad, who had insisted he do it himself. By the time the task was complete, the pre-teen was gasping, sweating, and -- with a smile -- clutching happily at the copper coin the Noble had tossed through the air to him. "Breakfast," Paul said, seemingly out of no where. He turned to look at the woman, smiled again, and clarified, "Our walk. Perhaps you would join me for breakfast first."