Name: Angel August Alias: Gospel Age: 24 Gender: Female [hider=Appearance] [img][/img] [/hider] Dere Type: Kamedere Dere Gear: Paladin Cannon - A multifunctional assault energy cannon, the Paladin draws power from Angel's arrogance, making it's ammunition highly corrosive for armor piercing capabilities. The more full of herself and confident she is, the more powerful the shot. It's limited range forces her to close the distance in fights quickly, and she can cause a lot of collateral damage if she isn't careful. The cannon's power is directly related to her feeling of self worth and arrogance. When her confidence is shaken, the cannon begins misfiring and malfunctioning, often missing it's target by wide margins. When she is full of herself and confident, the cannon is a finely tuned weapon of devastating capabilities. Her shots are often accompanied by irritatingly smug laughter. DokiDoki Ultimate: Saint's Throne - When Angel's arrogance in her own divinity hits it's peak, the Paladin transforms into an artillery platform, encasing Angel in layers of armor formed from her own annoying pride. The Paladin's firepower dramatically increases and allows Angel to strike at multiple targets at once within range. However the form is potentially lethal, as Angel's arrogance is converted into raw heat energy that slowly begins to boil her alive within the platform. She is generally unable to activate this ability without someone begging for her help, to appeal to her obnoxious sense of self worth. Backstory: Angel bought her Dere Gear with Daddy's money on a whim to show off her financial superiority. Despite her attitude and baseless arrogance, she quickly discovered a natural talent for using the Paladin Cannon. After one too many "vigilante joyrides" Angel was picked up by the Dere Force, quickly becoming a valuable asset and obnoxious team mate to the group. Being needed and doing good for the public has left her confidence and feeling of self-entitlement at an all time high. She does, however, refuse to talk about her family and past before arriving at the Dere Force or why she was constantly on the streets combatting crime instead of living a life of luxury. Talents: Angel enjoys swimming and tries to constantly take a dip when she has downtime. Water is calming to her, and she'll often be seen taking strolls in the rain. She is also a skilled seamstress, often sewing small accoutrements to her outfits. She gets very upset when these additions are not immediately noticed and praised.