Jennifer scratched at the [url=]mark[/url] in the back of her neck. She’d only begin to notice it a while back when she decided to use a mirror to check out what she assumed to be an itchy bug bite, but she was surprised—to say the least—when she found out how wrong she was. The reality of her nightmare became a bit more apparent then, and for the first time in her entire life, the young woman seriously considered the existence of a god. The thought alone was absurd for someone like her, but science couldn't possibly explain the origin or sudden appearances of these special abilities, so it was only logical to assume that a higher being was at work. Jennifer then proceeded grabbed her black leather jacket off of the couch and slinging her purse over her shoulder, she made her way towards the front door. [center]————[/center] [i]Alright, let's get this party started...[/i] Jennifer pulled up to the club's front lot, parking her silver Hyundai Sonata four spots away from the front door. She reached for the glove compartment to grab a small pocket knife she kept as a safety precaution, then turned off the ignition. Jennifer placed the knife and keys inside her purse, making sure she secured the clasp. After a few moments, she finally stepped out into the cool evening wind. The bouncer at the door stared at Jennifer as she approached him. She could have sworn he was checking her out, but given their surroundings, who could blame him. She smiled as he held the door open for her, thanking him in the process. She then was met with loud party music, strobe lights, and shadows of people who were either dancing or attempting to make conversation with one another by shouting over the music. Jennifer checked out the club, looking beyond the dance floor for a moment to get an idea of where the others were, but she wasn't successful. She decided that she would just ask the bartender for help. "Excuse me, where are your private rooms?" she shouted after she approached the bar. The bartender didn't bother looking up; he was too busy mixing a couple of drinks for some customers. "Towards the back," he replied, quickly pointing in the right direction. "Thank you!" Jennifer turned around and headed in the direction she'd been told, not really sure what to expect but she wasn't all that nervous as they were in a very crowded club. Oddly enough, crowds made her feel better in tense situations. When she reached the back, she saw a few doors adjacent to each other. She went into the room that had a sign reading "Occupied" and there, she found two people already waiting.