[img]http://a4.ec-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/36/cd5932f4c945e14905092f1bb985ca86/l.jpg[/img] [i]"Hello there Boppers..."[/i] For those of you who have seen the movie The Warriors or played the game (even the book though it wouldn't be as closely related) you may be pickin' up what this rp is puttin' down. If you don't then do not fret cause I'm about to explain it. The Warriors setting is basically New York City beset upon by numerous street gangs operating in different parts of NY (Harlem, Washington Heights, Coney Island etc.) The Warriors is extremely stylized in it's depiction of these gangs however, so whilst they do criminal acts like mugging, pillaging, theft, violence etc. They generally have gimmicks such as the [url=http://warriorsmovie.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/baseballfuries1-728x410.jpg]Baseball Furies[/url] for example, giving everything a unique sort of look and feel. Knowledge of the source material isn't strictly required and anything you should or need to know for the rp will be detailed in the OOC page to get you quickly up to speed. The story takes place years after the films events. The Warriors dissolved as did numerous other gangs leaving an open vacuum for new gangs to emerge or ones lower on the pecking order to rise up. You are a member of The Coney Island Dominators, a gang formed months after The Warriors went their separate ways. Comprised mainly of street toughs from Coney your group is struggling to get off the ground and establish themselves in NY and being the target of a rival group in Coney known as The Rogues makes things that much more difficult... Much more will be explained in the RP itself and we hope to make this into a TV Show type of format in terms of overarching storylines and seasons already planned. If you're interested then feel free to let me know in this thread. We're looking for around seven or so overall rp'ers.