While I’m sure the GM’s have already discussed what I’m about to go over, I feel it needs to be discussed publicly. Namely, what were the requirements to win? In my mind that was getting all the relics which, if I recall correctly, we did. Therefore I find it unfair that our ultimate outcome is failure. Were there secondary objectives we missed? Probably, and because of that I’m fine with our victory coming at an enormous loss. But in the grand scheme if the primary objective was achieved then an ending where the evil was not defeated should not be the character’s fates. But I could be wrong. My memory is only so good and with how far apart our posts are I could have easily missed or forgot something. If that is the case then I'll shut up and watch the world burn with you guys. This is the only problem I have with the sudden end however. As pointed out interest in this RP is all but gone and there is really no reason to keep it going if it's so we can be done with it. Ultimately I think ending it is a smart choice but how it ends is the GM’s decision. If they want to change the ending to be a bit better cool. If not and all the characters are going to die in defeat, oh well. It sucks but clearly we've already moved on or stopped caring.