Ah… luck would definitely have it for a thief to walk in at the most inopportune point in his life. Maybe he’s just being paranoid. The kind of nervous jitters you get when you’re about to get a new job… and you’re staring down four-hundred pounds of pure Drabarian beef cake. Well the beef cake thing is just a saying, but you could understand if you were in that situation. The thief was in that situation at some point in his life, but he didn’t have a nervous spark. No… probably what set that off was walking in just when a short stock dwarf, whom he could only assume the captain, had openly announced that his intention was to kill a thief. Now to be fair… the dwarf did say to kill ‘whatever’. It doesn’t necessarily mean a thief. It could just be a some brooding dragon driven insane by the pheromones in the air and is in the rush to quickly build a hoard to impress the ladies. Would that label the dragon a thief? Or a pragmatist? Possibly pragmatist as the dragon definitely wasn’t trying to be discrete about it. So in theory… he should be safe! Not really. Curse his honesty. But he came all this way. Might as well get the introductions out of the way, and be prepared for a firm boot to be hung deep in his mudhole and sent out the gates. “Ah! Hello hello~,” The Jackal chimmed as he gave the captain a polite bow. A bit unnecessary in the circumstance, but it was a code of his professional ethics! As were the up coming bit! “I am Leon. Many usually just refers to me as ‘Jackal’. I am an ex-thief. A professional if you were, with a healthy code of honor and ethics. Turned merc oh some year or two a ways a back back.” His words rolled off of his tongue. He paused for a moment with his lips pursing. “Should note that I still firmly follow those codes. It’d be an honor to add my hands and blade to your ranks.”