The vast continent of Nirn if devided in hundered of countries: Republics, Empires and small Kingdoms struggle to keep their independence as the fight for the fertile lands is endless While the northern countries were fighting each other the southern countries decided to form an alliance in order to protect themselves. Of course all this countries have their differences and their own problems, sometimes the rulers doubt about keeping up with the alliance. In this Rp it will be the duty of the Rulers or heirs to the throne to make sure this 30 years old alliance does not end, there will be problems with Bandits and deserters, economical problems, the war in the north and even possible treasons. ____________________________________________________________________ Character Sheet Anime Appearance -Complete Name: -Age: -Height: -Weight: -Normal Clothes: -Battle Gear: Biography: (You are someone important, you did not come from under a rock...) Personality description: Likes: Dislikes: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Country sheet: Name: Political System: Flag: Territory Description: Culture Descrption: _______________________________________________________________________________________________ I may add more things to the sheets as I get new ideas. Once there are enough countries I will draw a map of the continent or at least of the alliance.