Okay. First of all, I should apologize. I know I disappeared a lot and held back a lot of what was supposed to happen, and for that, I am truly sorry. Life can be stressful, you all know that. I’m in my senior year of high school and there’s so much happening in both home life and school, stuff that no one wants to hear and I don’t want to get into. There’s nothing I can do to fix what happened other than apologize. And I’ll admit, I started to get bored with this roleplay. When everything first started up and we had a much larger cast, I was so excited. I love writing about Fei and I couldn’t wait to see where the story would progress to. To no one’s fault except my own, I just got bored and lazy. Stress plus my lack of motivation to write, slowed down everything. Again, I’m so sorry for not posting. While I don’t think it’s fair to entirely blame me, [@The 42nd Gecko] (next time tag me lol), I played a huge part in this. It’s really sad to see this rp end. While I started to lose motivation, I really did enjoy the story. It’s also the longest rp I’ve ever been apart of. If there’s anything I can do to help turn this rp back around and make it exciting again for everyone, I would be more than willing to do so. Otherwise, I will fully support the GM’s decision in whatever they decide to do with the ending. Just, thank you for making a wonderful world and being really understanding when things came up. I can’t tell you how much my writing has improved from this. I know I haven’t been the best writer and I’m not really good at figuring out the plot and understanding a lot of things, but this was really a great story to be apart of. So again, thank you :)