[quote=@Antarctic Termite] I think we're approaching this the wrong way, guys. Amartia has two cows. He turns one into a Dagon and feeds it the other. Lifprasil has two cows that he grifted off a generous god. He gives them away to secure loyalty. Teknall has two cows. He appears to some rovaick in the form of a tedar and teaches them how to milk them. Ilunabar has two cows. Meimu has five cows she keeps in a meadow, all of which are named after flowers. Piena accepts the value of cattle but doesn't own any. Notte thinks cows are boring and make dumb sounds. When I asked Chronicle whether she has any cows, she just drew a picture of one with the caption 'I do now'. Keriss has two cows. Sometimes she yells at them. Other times she gets sad and talks to them about her feelings. They don't help much. Tauga has two cows and the hung body of their former owner. Toun has two cows. One is an automaton clad in porcelain. The other is a normal dairy cow, but he painted her white because the uneven black spots were bothering him. Chiral Phi has two cows. She sasses them. Vowzra has two cows. Having escaped from an abattoir, they spend their days in Chronos, clad in spider-silk and meditating. Logos has two cows. That's it. Just two cows. Nothing abnormal about them whatsoever. Tira had two cows before the incident. Now Lakshmi doesn't let her visit the farms anymore. Shaqmar has two cows. One of them is Ailin, pride of his heart. No cow of such beauty has ever trodden the earth. From hoof to horn-tip she is the image of bovine symmetry and, in being so, the image of God's holy wisdom. What a cow. Incredible. Jvan has two unearthly abominations that may once have been cows. Vestec has two cows. He keeps them in the Realm of Madness treats them with surprising affection. Also they have wings. And breathe fire. Vestec, are you sure those aren't demons? Vestec, please. Vestec. Stop that. Stop that right now. Ull'Yang has two cows. He doesn't know how they got into his personal plane, but the dragons seem to like them. Zos has two cows and 4,358,495 fanatical worshippers. Y'Qar would have two cows if Heru hadn't been born first. Every night he curses Heru for his cows. [/quote] This needs to be apart of the opening post in the OOC. Like, immortalize this, people.