[center][h1]Ba'alzamon, Commander of the Shadow[/h1] [h3]Shadar Logoth[/h3][/center] Ba'alzamon was quiet for a moment, waiting for the woman to finish her seemingly endless rant. Once she finished, he waited a moment for the dust to settle. He pondered for a little while, looking at his servants, all poised in equal parts respect and terror, though not betraying any fear in their eyeless faces, blank and rigid. They did not argue, they did not fight, they were obedient, and yet, they thought for themselves, in a way. His face lost any expression, and breathed deeply. When he spoke, his voice was quiet and oddly sweet, reminiscent of the manner with which one might address a small child. "The Light have libraries, and libraries have books. Books contain history, a history studied by every soldier who attains a rank of commanding officer, every woman raised as an Aes Sedai, every child who becomes monarch. And they learn from the mistakes of the past." He sighed, dramatically. Raising a hand to his temples, he massaged them with his fingertips. A few of the Myrddraal leaned back, a few leaned forward, almost imperceptibly. "The battle you speak of occurred far before the creation of Manetheren as a nation. Far before the grand notion of nationalism swept their people, which developed into an incredible stubbornness. It is something foolhardy, yet something to be admired. Their people are strong in a way that you clearly cannot understand. Given your clear lack of respect towards authority, you cannot comprehend their deference towards their monarchs, towards their fellows, towards their land. Your example is flawed, your idea is laughable, and your confidence is ignominious. Do not speak to me as though you are an authority on history, when you have lived for less than a blink of the Dark One's eyes." Pausing for a moment, he let out a short, dry chuckle, though it closely resembled a cough. He began to pace, before continuing, his lips twisted into something like a smile. "You are right about one thing. Just one." Ba'alzamon stopped in his tracks, at the center of the head of the table, and glanced at the ground, placing his fingertips atop the table. He created a weave of earth, drawing from the source with a gentle hand, pulling the stone from the ground beneath his feet. In a moment, a chair had formed behind him, and he took a seat. Stretching out, to rest his legs and arms alike, he lounged, all the while maintaining his calm. "You serve me." He pointed down the decrepit road. "Act like it." [center][h1]Princess Naia Irabena, Aes Sedai[/h1] [h3]Tar Valon, the White Tower[/h3][/center] "You can go in the library, kid, you just don't want to make a fuss about it, okay? For future reference, Tetsuan's a bitch." Naia listened to the girl's suggestion, and furrowed her brow. Personally, her research tended to focus on the more philosophical questions of life, the meaning of things, mathematics, theory of the One Power- all thoughts which related to the art of war, not the immediate mechanics of it. She did not know weaves except to facilitate her research, and expound upon it, and those few every Aes Sedai must know to keep herself from dying. The latter were important, but relatively basic, in comparison with the amazing talents of the women of the Green- not that she would ever betray her respect for that Ajah. That could never happen. "You're a Healer. Your purpose is to heal those who would otherwise be killed, not to get yourself killed. If you find yourself fighting, you'll end up on the front lines, and you'll end up with your head on a spike or in a stomach." Realizing the harshness of her words a moment too late, Naia bit her lip, and raised a hand to her forehead. "Oh, kid, I don't mean that. If anyone mocks you for focusing on Healing, then they're colorblind. When battle comes, just refuse to heal them until they've apologized. Though, if you're really still concerned, find yourself a Green, they're used to teaching that stuff. And they're generally friendly. Annoyingly so." She offered a thin smile to the girl, though the exhaustion in her eyes remained. "Anything else?"