[quote=@obliviousRoadie] he is ready my dudes [hider=Angry Dragon] [/hider] [/quote] That is acceptable. A variety of potentially powerful beings, but entirely dependent on his ability to conduct his songs for increasing amounts of time. He would really shine against defensive characters, who would afford him time to get worked up. [quote=@DracoLunaris] [@Lugubrious] npc submission Whoever gets this one as a opponent gets the prestigious [url=http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DidYouJustPunchOutCthulhu]Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?[/url] award. I basically tried to make a video game boss, slow, durable, and with trash mobs. Important note, how do you feel about me adding hostile creatures to the echo? I think it would make a neat explore zone for anyone doing a side thing but probably just a distraction for the main event. [hider=Rose “ly’lnd” Cythla] [center] [b][color=6E3FF5]Name:[/color][/b] ly’lnd [b][color=6E3FF5]Alias:[/color][/b] Rose Cythla [b][color=6E3FF5]Race:[/color][/b] Cthulhi: One of Cthulhu's star spawn [b][color=6E3FF5]Sex:[/color][/b] Female [b][color=6E3FF5]Class:[/color][/b] eldritch warlock [b][color=6E3FF5]Equipment[/color][/b][/center] A helmet made of a highly durable unknown material protects her head from most damage. The 3 gemstones can focus here eldritch energy, but are quite vulnerable to destruction compared to the helm. It notably does not guard her neck. [center][b][color=6E3FF5]Abilities:[/color][/b][/center] [color=6E3FF5]Aquatic being:[/color] More at home in the water than on land, capable of breathing underwater and swimming at immense speeds. [color=6E3FF5]Combat tentacles:[/color] long hair can act as gripping, crushing tendrils that ensnare and constrict targets. [color=6E3FF5]Alien intellect:[/color] As a truly ancient being her capacity to hold knowledge is vast. Not necessary smarter, but has more information to draw on. [color=6E3FF5]Lose 10 sanity:[/color] Can fire purple blasts of eldritch energy from a purple gem on her chest and beams from the 3 on her helmet/visor. These blast the sanity of the target, disorienting and terrifying them. The blasts also cause concussive explosions and the lasers can cut through material if allowed to concentrate for long enough. [color=6E3FF5]unnaturally durable:[/color] this body is but an illusion and an imitation of a human form, it feels no pain and features massive redundancy. Wounds that would kill or incapacitate a human are mild annoyances that slowly repair themselves. Only by destroying the brain may you prevail. [color=6E3FF5]eldritch abominations:[/color] [hider=she is accompanied by] [img]http://www.bogleech.com/mortasheen/hagonizer3.png[/img] [/hider] [hider=several hideous] [img]http://www.bogleech.com/mortasheen/barnaclops.png[/img] [/hider] [hider=human sized horrors] [img]http://www.bogleech.com/mortasheen/shreeg.png[/img] [/hider] [center][b][color=6E3FF5]Fighting Style:[/color][/b][/center] Refuses to move at anything other than a leisurely stroll, she will ignore all ideas of cover or tactics and simply slowly towards the target, firing blasts of energy and relying on her durability to allow her to survive. She aims to utterly destroy the psyche of the enemy, acting as a constant unstoppable terror that is unfazed by your mortal weapons all the while firing a unending barrage of horror at them. Once the target is cowering in fear she will slowly walk up to them and then take their soul, adding them to her collection of thralls. If the enemy attempts to attack her directly she constrains them with her tentacle like hair and then destroys their mind with her eldritch powers. Then takes their soul. Her minions act as hunting dogs, hounding her target out into the open for their mistress to continue her rain of terror. They are utterly loyal and relatively mindless. [center][b][color=6E3FF5]Personality:[/color][/b][/center] Arrogant and proud, she is one of the oldest beings on the planet and is above all these pathetic young creatures and races looking down at them in all aspects. She is vain, considering herself an untarnishable beauty, maintaining an air of grace and poise is incredibly important to her, as is befitting a being of her power. She uses haughty pompous language, trying to sound sophisticated by using the longest possible word in any situation and has a tendency to try and sound flowery or poetic. Deep down she despises that she even has to associate with humans and their ilk, that she needs them to help achieve her goals. If anyone manages to get the better of her she will fly into an uncontrollable rage, for none should be able to match the offspring of a great old one. [center][b][color=6E3FF5]Bio[/color][/b][/center] Originally one of Cthulhu's Starspawn she is one of the only of his line to have not sunk with the lost city of R'lyeh and as a result has spend most of her early existence wandering the earth’s oceans and trying to wake up Cthulhu. She has built empires, created parasites that infect humans, strange half human fishfolk and many other schemes all to try and create cults that will bring about the ritual that reawakens her father. Fortunately every time she does this the cultists she has organised are thwarted by some soon to be madman or legendary hero. This is unsurprising incredibly frustrating for her, but she blames the useless humans for her failure, it could never be the fault of one so great as her. [center][b][color=6E3FF5]Wish:[/color][/b][/center] To raise the city of R'lyeh and reawaken her father, the great old one cthulhu. [center][b][color=6E3FF5]Echo:[/color][/b][/center] R'lyeh, a city found deep beneath the sea, a place of non-Euclidean geometry and built with Escher architecture. In the echo some of this twisting, maddening city has risen above the waves, the ground is still wet with seawater, the occasional fish can bee seen hopelessly flopping about and the dark places hide nigh unspeakable horrors just waiting to take the unsuspecting invaders by surprise. [center][b][color=6E3FF5]Appearance:[/color][/b] [hider=Tiniest eldritch abomination] [img]http://i.imgur.com/y4yYy20.png[/img] [/hider][/center] [center][b][color=6E3FF5]Frenzy:[/color][/b][hider=your a squid now] [img]http://i.imgur.com/2AXYH5Z.jpg[/img] [/hider][/center] Revealing her true form the 3 story high monstrosity is a massive, highly durable abomination capable of flight. Her energy attacks now come from her eyes and mouth and are considerably more powerful but mainly she will try to smash and crush her target. Fortunately her slowness is now less a principal and more a reality, she is hulking and lumbering, her blows mighty yet predictable. [center][b][color=6E3FF5]Inventory:[/color][/b][/center] phylactery [/hider] [/quote] I'd say that you have accomplished your goal. She's the epitome of the words 'powerful but unskilled', and would certainly make for a good boss fight. Go ahead and add her as an NPC.