[@WindsOfFate] Ambrose breathed a sigh of relief as he finally finished his blabbering. But he tensed up as Caleb's voice seeped through the phone. He had honestly expected the perky Samantha picking up. But honestly, he should have expected something like this. And for some reason the trickery didn't upset him like most situations would. It felt more like a favor. Ambrose listened carefully, taking in each detail that was heard through the receiver. The voice was silky, and felt like a smile was behind it. It sounded like he paused to sigh lightly, and a small shiver was sent down Ambrose's spine as he imagined Caleb, eyes closed and mouth slightly ajar. But failing to notice Caleb had finished his offer, Ambrose had remained silent for almost a full minute. "Oh! Um, yeah sounds good, I guess I'll see you then. Bye." He blurted and abruptly hung up the phone, panting. Why was he so flustered? Ambrose stood there by the fountain, pondering it before deciding that it didn't matter. Shaking the black curls out of his eyes, Ambrose started off towards his dorm. He wondered if he even had anything suitable for a party setting. [timeskip to 7:30?]