As the gargoyle went to grab him, Derrick turned to run. He shivered from the jailor's touch; partially because of the cold, but more because of what followed. He felt as if his strength had been draining, and he would probably have fallen if not for Kenza's timely assistance. He hadn't been in contact with the thing for long, but he could tell that it was dangerous too dangerous to get close to. "Yeah... We should run." Derrick said slowly. He wasn't entirely sure why she'd even asked. Sure, there were 3 of them, but it was still made of stone and they practically didn't even have real weapons. Derrick was still slightly numb and his leg was throbbing a little bit but he could move. There was no way they could beat that thing right now, and if the gargoyle caught them, it would be over. Derrick staggered to his feet and grabbed Mistletoe's arm, leading her towards the door. He hoped Kenza would follow suit quickly; there wasn't really time to explain himself. He started running back towards the hall, dragging Mistletoe with him as he did, hoping that it wouldn't lead to a dead end. [@Dusksong][@Hekazu][@lchris314]