Okay, I have tried and tried - I have struggled [I]desperately[/I] - to make your post work, Legion, but no matter how many pages I write, scrap and start over, no matter how much I think about it, I just can't come up with a scenario that is actually believable and makes sense that would accommodate your post. No matter how I look at it, it still seems absurd that Angora and Iridiel (which notably is forty percent of the characters present in the scene; sixty percent if one includes Domhnall, who was involved at the end) carry on with a long, seemingly private and rather relevant conversation beside the campfire where Jaelnec and Olan are probably present too. The nightwalkers just sitting there creepily listening to their conversation would not only presumably be disruptive of the conversation, it would also be uncharacteristic for both of them to do nothing but listen through the entire thing; Olan almost certainly would have inserted himself into the conversation and Jaelnec would probably have been liable to leave and give them some privacy, unless he joined in too. The nightwalkers just talking to each other by the campfire is a similar issue with participants from either conversation being able to overhear the other, meaning that keeping the conversations separate would be a struggle in and by itself, and that is without even considering the fact that Domhnall is there, too, somewhere. If the nightwalkers weren't nearby, on the other hand, you'd think that would be its own kind of disruptive altogether unless Angora, Iridiel and Domhnall really just don't care about them in the least... and that doesn't even begin to deal with [I]why[/I] the nightwalkers wouldn't be nearby. They already gathered firewood by that time (or at the very least would finish doing so during the conversation), and I can't think of a reason important enough that Jaelnec and Olan would delay going back to the others to have a long talk about that could buy the others the time they need to finish their talk. Eh... So yeah... I've been banging my head against the wall for days now, and I can't come up with something plausible. Is there any way that you could possibly edit your post to reflect that the nightwalkers exist?