[center][h1]Lancer[/h1] [sub]Interacting with [@Grey][@Turboshitter][@1Charak2][/sub][/center] [hr] As Medusa went up to change Lancer took advantage of the time as well by working to set up some runes around the house along with Sosthenes, making sure they complimented rather they conflicted with each other. Upon hearing Medusa come back downstairs he stopped his work to see if anything else was pressing. Lancer's mouth curled in amusement as Medusa paraded herself in front of Ren even as she'd basically just told Sos and him to treat her like a lady. Well no need to point that out at the moment, she seemed to hate him enough already. Ren raised his concerns about raising the Blood Fort inside the city, worried about collateral, a fair enough point considering how much trouble that could cause. Lancer nodded at Sos's explanation [b]"Basically we can use it here as long as we make it active situationally."[/b] The idea reminded him of Ath nGabla, setting that up inside the field and then triggering it would likely spell certain doom for whoever got caught in it. Of course it wouldn't be much of a fight and practically the whole point ruined. Still, Magus tended not to care much for whether he got a good fight or not.