[h3]Turn 1: Summer, 1423[/h3][hr][b]1299:[/b][i] More than 100 years ago, Crusaders under the mantle of the Holy Church of Karoleth, and at the urging of Pope Peter III set forth for the coastal cities of the Oghuz Empire carrying the banner of the Pointed Star. More than 45,000 Crusaders would eventually invade the province of Ocorum, besiege the capital of Makor and claim it as a Kingdom for the Karolethan Church. By 1385, the Kingdom had collapsed as generation after generation of Oghuzian Caliphs assaulted the Western Stronghold in the shores of their empire. The last crusader was expelled from Oghuz territory in 1401.[/i][hr] [b]Last Season:[/b] The [b]COUNCIL of PEERS[/b] was disbanded at the hour of the Star. With the ringing of the Bells of St. Martinus the city gates were closed to travel and trade for the evening. After lengthy debate by dignitaries, merchants and popular citizens of Veranth, a new Senior Council had been appointed by popular nomination. The final appointment was that of STEWARD of Veranth. Chairman Ignatius Cremini was nominated by a bevy of merchants. Cremini at first refused, then accepted his new role as Steward. [list] [*]The Title of DOGE was given to [b]Giovanna di Mora[/b] [*]Master of the COIN was bestowed upon [b]Alessandro de Bladelli[/b] [*]& [b]Roderigo Nantua[/b] was appointed Master of ARMS. [/list] The oaths to the protection and prosperity of the city were renewed rather unceremoniously. [hr] [b]Rioting in Letta, Veranth[/b] [i]Outside the Palazzini di Veranti, word quickly spread of the appointment of new masters of Veranth, even before the session was officially closed. Rioting broke out in the village of Letta, spurred on by a holy fervor decrying the appointment of MASTERS of VERANTH. The crowd called furiously for the appointment of a new duke, and rebuked the claim of Office of the DOGE. The mob, numbering in the thousands made their way towards the Cerno Gate, where they were repelled by the standing militia under command of a young captain named Fulo Galinarion. 3 men under the captains command were killed, their bodies stripped naked and brutalized. Members of the clergy condemned the act the following morning. The city guard has incarcerated 34 conspirators under charges of murdering a member of the city militia. They are being held in the lowest dungeons of the Palazzini di Veranti until sentence is passed by the DOGE of Veranth. Fulo Galinarion has been cited by Friar Betto Stornado, Senior Cleric of the Brazzi Chapel, as an exemplar of Veranthian valor & bravery in the eyes of GOD.[/i] [b]Cardinal Niccolo Paccio[/b] [i]Cardinal Paccio and his Inquisition have taken up residence in the Ducal Palace where they continue to gather information on heretical acts in the city of Veranth. Papal guards armed with axes and polearms guard the gates. All non-clergy have been barred from the palace grounds. Mass attendance is at an all time high.[/i] [b]Rumours of WAR[/b] Word has spread to Lassa from the Oghuzian coast that Prefect SEBHIM OMAR has revolted against the SULTAN of Oghuz. Little is known about the Sultan or the prefect for that matter. [b]Raids on Trade Continue[/b] Pirates in swift Carracks (single sail small craft) & Knaves (single sail rowed medium craft) continue to plunder trade along the coast of Mersolan and Veranth. Damage to trade and Income lost this season is (1WP) [hider=Letter to Giovanna di Mora] Madame Doge, Under GODS grace this day, the people of the city have spoken. I congratulate you Madame di Mora on your appointment as DOGE, (an esteemed and most sacred position) and look forward to your work as a servant of GOD and HIS HOLINESS LINUS II. As unusual as it may be for a city of Lassa to...reinstate the arcane office of DOGE in this modern era, these are unusual times. As such, under the grace of GOD, I have seen fit to continue the Inquisition from the Ducal Palace. The work of GOD must continue, even in these trying times. Respectfully, Cardinal Niccolo Paccio [/hider] [b]Ignatius Cremini, Steward of Veranth[/b] [i]The new Steward of Veranth has taken quickly to his new appointment, sending letters of friendship and announcement of the appointment of Masters in Veranth, to the cities of Trato and Parmos. Cremini has suggested Guildmasters be sent to Trato to tour the [b]Iron Works[/b], where famous Tratan weaponsmiths mold cannon and further increase the potency of gunpowder.[/i] [hider=Letter to Noctus Turchii] [i]Esteemed Businessman, My name is I. Cremini, appointed Steward of the city. Your personality has been known to me for some time now, and your shrewd practices in business have led me to believe you are a man full of potential. While I view your Oghuz heritage as an asset, many Veranthians do not. Regardless, I have sent this letter to inquire about your relationships with your homeland. I would hope for you to act as an ambassador for Veranth, to the mighty Oghuz Empire, in the hopes of reopening those ports and cities closed since the expulsion of the Order of the Knights of the Sanctus Vitae. Your answer is eagerly awaited. Ignatius Cremini, Steward [/i] [/hider] [hr][hr] [hider=Economic Ledger] [i]For Alessandro di Bladelli[/i] VERANTH Pop. 60,000 [b][u]Expense:[/u][/b] [b]Standing Militia[/b] [i](including room and board)[/i] = -2WP [b]Coast Guard[/b] 3 Carracks protecting 500 miles of coastline (-2WP) [color=red]PIRATE ACTIVITY[/color] (-1WP) This turn [b]Church Tithes[/b] = -1WP [b][u]Income:[/u][/b] [i]Collected Taxes[/i] [i]4WP on trade 2WP on Goods Produced by our Guilds[/i] [u][b]Totals:[/b][/u] Calculate your expenses & write a budget for this turn. Coffers: 4WP [/hider] [hider=Military Report] [i]For Roderigo Nantua[/i] [i]Garrison at the Palazzini di Veranti[/i] [b][color=lightblue]Commanded by Bartollemeo Palladino[/color][/b] 800 Men-at-Arms 200 Archers 50 Bombadiers [i]Coastal Guard[/i] Veranth pays for 3 Carracks to protect 500 miles of coastline between Veranth and Mersolan Our city is protected by a [b]Fortress[/b] (palazzini di Veranti) The city [b]Walls[/b] are in [b]FAIR[/b] condition. We have a standing militia of 1050 men capable of defending the city, but no offensive action. The villages under our protection are barely protected, but are under no immediate threat. [/hider] [hider=Official Report] [i]For the DOGE of Veranth, Giovanna di Mora[/i] [list] [*]The Holy Church of Karoleth is insisting that we publicly execute the former Duke Carlo Fiore. No official decree has been issued by his holiness LINUS II, But Cardinal Niccolo Paccio has passed judgement. [*]The Guildmasters are insisting on funds from the city treasury to expand their workshops (1WP). Signor Segno Utoni, Guildmaster of the formidable Shipbuilders suggests this might increase our income over time. [*]Pirate activity continues in the Sea of Belavedi [/list] [hider=Message From Etzo Eletori, Steward of Mersolan] Greetings & Good Health to You, My name is Etzo Eletori, and I have the honor of extending a hand of friendship from his Lordship Duke Giacomo Princep, ruler of Mersolan. Too long have our cities neglected the friendship that would so naturally benefit both of our great cities. Word of the Inquisition has reached our city; Duke Princep will accept the judgement of the esteemed Cardinal Niccolo Paccio. There are of course other things to discuss with the exchange of power (may the merciful GOD grant a peacable and bloodless transition), first and foremost is that of continuing trade. As you of course know, Mora wines are of exceptional quality, and the Mersolan citizens are eager for a fresh supply. Likewise, Princep Wool is of the highest quality, dyed to a perfection and of the finest you will find in all of Lassan. Let us discuss the possibility of agreeing to formal trade between our two cities. Respectfully, Etzo Eletori, S. of Mersolan [/hider] [/hider] [b]Turn Results[/b] [list] [*]Mersolan wishes to trade WOOL for WINE (1WP) (relations with the Parmos and Tratos decrease) [*]Possible Ambassadorship for Noctus Turchii [*]Pirate raids continue on merchant fleets from both Mersolan & Veranth [/list] [hr] [hider=OOC] You may post orders for the first turn. Remember to pick the related skill when using a turn action (or I can pick one for you). Dice rolls will be logged by me using the website dice-roller. If your not sure what to do you can always PM me or ask in the OOC. Remember you may take as many free actions as you wish. Discuss in the OOC tab. [/hider]