[center][img]http://www.gameranx.com/img/15-Mar/pillarsofeternitynpcs.jpg[/img][/center] [hr] Would anyone be interested in a Dungeons and Dragons/Elder Scrolls-esque mercenary adventure type roleplay? The mechanics are quite simple really; our characters will start off in the city tavern where a bounty is being offered by the Earl for the head of a dragon harassing the city and it's neighboring towns. Either they got hooked because of the reward, the thrill of adventure or just wanted to tag along is up to you. Along the way the group will encounter various locations(towns, old ruins, forest proper) and get themselves in various predicaments, and be faced with choices that may change the course of the story, and or how the world will react to them. Though i do have some ideas in mind, i'm am very open and would love to brainstorm ideas.