[@Dojo], [@Dynamo Frokane], [@pugbutter], [@DepressedSoviet] I'm a little sick and have a test tomorrow so writing is going slower than I would have liked, either way whilst you wait here's the sign up so you can preemptively write in your CI Dominators, done in the style of a police report. [hider=Sign Up] [b][Gang Alias:][/b] Who you're known as in The Dominators (eg. Swan, Ajax, Cowboy etc.) [b][Real Name:][/b] [b][Age:][/b] Roughly between 16 and 30 [b][Height & Weight:][/b] [b][Physical Description:][/b] What your character looks like and wears [b][Personal Effects:][/b] Anything your character typically carries (switchblades, cigarettes etc.) [b][Role:][/b] Your character's place in The Dominators (Soldier, Writer, Scout, New Blood, Warchief) [b][Traits:][/b] Describe how your character acts and what they are like [b][Known Information:][/b] Tell us about your character's history [b][Known Skills:][/b] What is your character good at? [b][Known Weaknesses:][/b] What does your character struggle with? [b][Criminal Record:][/b] Any known (or Gang Recorded) felonies your character has committed [/hider] If you get your sign up done feel free to DM it to me if you wish to go over it and work any potential character arcs out.