[@Peaceless]I'm assuming there's other weaponry in the world however we are in a school based environment. I'm sure certain pieces of tech are limited to prevent harm from students. Chances are a school would not let a student arm their gear with a bazooka for example. As for elemental effects I do not plan on adding them in. This universe seems to be at a point in time where gears are just starting to get into advancements. Most mechs are well operated, and well made but they don't seem to have the fancy equipment from say Gundam, or Shin Getter. However I'm sure if you modify your weapon to create some sort of kick back or whatever it can function in similar ways to some more traditional rpg like effects. As I said we're not in this to hurt people they're more like IGPX than an actual war based system though there ARE war game type gear teams out there as it's expounded that there are professional national, and pro teams that compete in them. China, and Japan namely fight each other in one throw away cut scene.