When she felt Kili pull away a bit, Saeril showed a face of the same: concern and worry. For him to face Thorin alone, that only brought her worry, for him, his uncle, and even Fili. She wanted keep him safe, but there was a part of her where Kili would have to figure things out himself. It was partly the reason why he never fully matured in the first place. He lived, what you could say, a very "sheltered" life in the Blue Mountains, a few years after his birth in the Lonely Mountain. Ever since the dragon attacked, as far as the she-elf learned, Dis grew protective of them in Ered Luin, becoming wary and cautious for their safety, if they ever chose to go exploring at night. From that moment on, Dis sealed them and herself inside their home, away from the outside world. But as they grew older, they were determined to see their precious "Delva", once the gifts started to come. Through those years, Saeril was always out there, watching them grow and smile. Yet, here they were; face-to-face, hand-to-hand. The she-elf understood him, though, remembering what she just recently thought of; that he would have full-reign. [i]He[/i] choses, she obeys. With that afterthought, she finally, and reluctantly nodded. She'll hang back, but she will listen in. Closing her eyes, she responded softly. "Very well", Saeril's wings finally folded back into her cloak.