[center][img]http://imgur.com/Zm41oU2.png[/img][/center] Eris was just about to arrive at Chiyo's house when she read some reports about the Ebony Strykers, or more likely, their Sweeper Wing using widespread hacks on the Blue City. Even so, nothing seemed to call for her interference at the moment. If she really needed to, Eris would come back, but as far as she knew, their mission had been fulfilled already. There was no point in logging on just to wipe a few lone stragglers. Putting these thoughts aside, Eris focused on her current task, which was to make sure of Chiyo's wellfare and, if possible, of Yoshino's as well. Supposedly there was no better place to do so than the White King's house, given that their shady mother (which Eris knew that was her own mother's employer) had been seen on the academy during the festival. The likelyhood of Chiyo and Yoshino's mother being here was high. [color=9966cc]"Either way, the only thing that I can do is knock and see what will happen. Probably,"[/color] Eris thought as she knocked the door. [color=9966cc]"Is this the residence of Chiyo Kuroke of the Purple Corwn Academy? I would like to talk to her if possible,"[/color] Eris called, before waiting to see what would happen. There was a small moment of wait before the door was slowly opened and out came the woman seen on Purple Crown's campus earlier. Boss raised an eye as she saw only Eris standing before her before she leaned on the door with crossed arms. [color=gray]"You're Hildr's daughter aren't you? From my understanding, you've also been close to my little girls quite recently."[/color] [color=9966cc]"Ah,"[/color] Eris said almost unconsciously after the door swug open revealing the very woman she was thinking of. Such an open display of surprise would make Eris look either simpleminded or far too earnest on most people's eyes, causing the young German to lightly bite her lips in frustration, after letting her guard down from the get go. It was only after Boss spoke that Eris regained her composure, looking the older woman in the eyes as she replied, [color=9966cc]"You are right, Miss—"[/color] the platinum-haired girl came to a sudden halt when she realized that she didn't knew the name of Chiyo and Yoshino's mother. Nevertheless, Eris continued, trying to not do anymore blunders, [color=9966cc]"Well, I'm in fact the youngest of Hildr Reinhardt's daughters and I have the pleasure of being acquainted to yours as well. Eris, it's a pleasure finally meeting you."[/color] Eris didn't dare extend her hand to someone as imposing as Boss, instead she finished her small introduction with a small bow as is the tradition of the (likely) Japanese woman before her. Boss took a moment to observe Eris' composure and form before saying, [color=gray]"You came here to see Chiyo, correct? You can't have come for Yoshino since she lives on campus. To what business do you owe my daughter if you don't mind me asking."[/color] Boss continued to lean against the door, curious as to what Eris would say next. Eris gasped lightly when she heard Boss. [color=9966cc]"So, you did not know? While I came to see Chiyo, without a doubt, I also thought about asking if you knew about Yoshino's whereabouts. There's been sometime since she moved from her apartment and, after the events of this afternoon, I fear she may need assistance. I was going to visit her once I was done here, in fact. At the very least, I believe she should go to the hospital and have a check up, after..."[/color] Eris trailed out a bit. She didn't have any conclusive proof that Yoshino was in fact Moon Rider, but that has been a hunch she worked with for quite some time. And, after what happened to Moon Rider earlier today, checking on Yoshino seemd the most prudent thing to do. Yet, if even their mother couldn't help Eris, she had to wonder how to locate the Student Council President. [color=9966cc]"As for Chiyo,"[/color] Eris added, [color=9966cc]"I came to talk to her about Deep Ground and to... apologize for something that happened earlier today."[/color] Eris finished her statement taking a sideways glance at the hand that slapped Chiyo across the face a few hours ago. Boss nodded, able to put two and two together. So that would explain the red mark on Chiyo's cheek when she had stumbled home in a muttering daze. Though she held no ill will towards Eris considering how difficult Chiyo could be to manage; she probably deserved it. [color=gray]"From my understanding, Yoshino is staying with a friend of hers. Retsu Goroshi, if the name bears any meaning for you,"[/color] Boss said before stepping aside to allow Eris passage into her home. [color=gray]"First door on the left upstairs. Maybe you can do something for her since she refuses to talk to me,"[/color] the older woman said, a small flash of pain in her tone. [color=9966cc]"Thank you, Miss. I'll try to not take much time, I really don't mean to impose, especially when mom has always talks about you being such a busy woman,"[/color] Eris bowed once more and made her way to Chiyo's room. On the way she couldn't help but think about the name Boss spoke, [color=9966cc]"Retsu Goroshi, huh? How could I, being a Reinhardt, not know anything about the local mafia? I really think there's something fishy on this, though."[/color] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/i6fLcHF.png[/img][/center] Eris was so lost in thought that, when she realized it, she was almost bumping her face against the door of Chiyo's bedroom. Needless to say, that wouldn't be a good way to begin a conversation, though maybe, it could bring a laugh to the troubled mind of Chiyo Kuroke? Who knows. Either way, once Eris stopped to think, she noticed that the door wasn't even locked, [color=9966cc]"That's strange,"[/color] Eris thought as she pushed it open lowly. [color=9966cc]"Chiyo, are you here? I would like to talk to you. Please, answer me,"[/color] Eris called, without trespassing into Chiyo's privacy, yet. [color=a2d39c]"What do you want?"[/color] came the hissing voice of Chiyo, the White King herself sprawled along her bed as if she was ill. Her head was pounding, mind throbbing with pain no matter how many painkillers she had taken. By the look in her eyes, she was incredibly irritated and probably liable to physically lash out at Eris if need be. And given that she looked like she was getting little sleep, it was very possible she'd do soon. In other words, Eris was lucky or perhaps blessed to see Chiyo in such a weakened state, an image almost no one else would ever be treated to. Perhaps some would consider it lucky, but for Eris, to see Chiyo in such an state of weakness and dejection was actually a source of pain. How could something like this happen to someone Eris admired so much exactly for always being such a powerful person? This question tormented the young German, but the guilt of her own actions did even so even more. [color=9966cc]"I... came to see if you were well,"[/color] Eris said after choosing her words as careflly as she could. [color=9966cc]"Also, I wanted to apologize for what I did. I think I went a bit too far. I'm sorry."[/color] Eris lowered her head as she said, not daring to stare at Chiyo for a moment. [color=a2d39c]"....why?"[/color] Chiyo asked, staring blankly at Eris now. [color=a2d39c]"Obviously it was a natural reaction. Like everyone else, you hate me so I wouldn't have expected anything else,"[/color] she continued as if it was the most objective thing ever. [color=a2d39c]"I mean, I'd slap someone I hate too. I do it all the time."[/color] [color=9966cc]"You are wrong,"[/color] Eris said, takng a step closer to Chiyo's bed, [color=9966cc]"I don't hate you, I never did. I— I did that because,"[/color] she stopped a moment to consider her words, but really there wasn't a better way to say what she was thinking than being direct. [color=9966cc]"I did that because you weren't, no you aren't acting like yourself these days. What happened to the girl who is the leader of the biggest and most important of all of Deep Ground's guilds?"[/color] [color=a2d39c]"She's still here. Standing right in front you,"[/color] Chiyo hissed with venom, fixing her expression into a dark glare. [color=a2d39c]"Or did you think that just because I'm acting weird that I've suddenly lost my mind, huh? I haven't lost my mind! You sound just like my mother and my sister. Just the same thing over and over again,"[/color] she said, sitting up to face Eris better. [color=a2d39c]"Admit it. You don't care at all! You just want to make sure White Sun is alright, right? That the White King hasn't lost her head. Well how about I off of yours!"[/color] Chiyo snarled. With a start she grabbed Eris' arm and yanked her onto the bed, shifting about until she was the one on top. With a look of fury and just overall anger, Chiyo glared down at Eris with seething malice. [color=a2d39c]"You just think you know everything about me, don't you?!? You don't know shit."[/color] [color=9966cc]"No, I don't—"[/color] before Eris could even say that she didn't cared for White Sun more than she cared for Chiyo's well being, she was surprised by a sudden yank, when the white-haired girl noticed it she was pinned bellow Chiyo's snarling face, with her uniform and hair completely disheveled. [color=9966cc]"You may be right, I don't know as much about you as I'd like to, but the White King, no Chiyo... you were supposed to be better. I chose to follow you and even went as far as bringing down the rest of Deep Ground, just because I trust you. Isn't it enough?"[/color] Despite the akwardness and discomfort of the situation, Eris couldn't help but feel her pulse race like maybe never before. The young German didn't understood why, but being exposed like this felt more exhilarating than anything she ever experienced, even the most intense battle on DGO, or that time when Eris kissed Cassandra didn't feel this... visceral. [color=a2d39c]"...you are a pathetic creature. Judging from the increase in heart rate, it's almost as if you're experiencing feelings for this girl. That's very amusing coming from you Eris Reinhardt,"[/color] Chiyo said slowly. Her expression was curling into a smile and something sounded off about her voice. As if there was a change in pitch, but one so low that it served more as an audible irrtiation than a major change. But still, it was there. Eris wouldn't notice it, but at some point one of Chiyo's eyes looked like it had swelled up from infection. No, that wasn't it...it looked like the pupil had been a diluted shade of red. Chiyo's grip became tighter, forcing Eris further into the bed and clenching hard to cause pain. [color=a2d39c]"You have a tendency to put your nose in things that don't involve you."[/color] [color=9966cc]"Huh? What—"[/color] Eris was surprised not only by the sudden change of subject and Chiyo's mannerisms, but also by the unnatural increase on the grip strength, to a point that someone of Chiyo's constitution should never be able to so. However, the accusations of the source of Eris' increased pulse being that she was actually enjoying this twisted predicament in some way, along with the declaration about Eris getting involved in things that didn't belong to her, clicked something on her mind, a memory Eris dismissed as a random incident, at least until up to now. [color=9966cc]"Moon Rider!? Or better, the Faker,"[/color] Eris said, certain that only one individual she ever met could used the words that came out of Chiyo's mouth. [color=9966cc]"What do you even want?"[/color] Eris asked drily, letting a tinge of genuine hate perceptible on her voice. [color=a2d39c]"Moon Rider? Faker? These are names I haven't been called in a while. What I want is for you to stay out of my way,"[/color] Chiyo said, smile fading and a neutral frown taking its place. [color=a2d39c]"You've already made yourself a nuisance by trying to help this girl. Forget it. You can't help her; no one can. Oh...but prior experience also tells me that you're stubborn too. Maybe a little more persuasion is needed to keep you silent."[/color] Removing one hand, Chiyo gently curled her fingers among the back side of her own hair. With deathly seriousness, she looked down at Eris. [color=a2d39c]"I'm sure you know how your chips work, yes? Ripping them out directly won't kill her...probably. But I know very well that it will hurt very, very much. Now you can play the role you were given or I can make your White King more broken than she already is Eris Reinhardt."[/color] [color=9966cc]"You, monster,"[/color] Eris said at a loss of anything else, [color=9966cc]"What do you gain by hurting Chiyo, or Yoshino, do you think I'm not aware that she may as well be the true Moon Rider? Even if I do as you say, what would you get out of it? It's nothing but chaos and hurting one another over and over again. What's the point?"[/color] Maybe, Eris words sounded a bit, well, a lot ironic when she willingly caused so much chaos on her own, but as the saying goes 'a human being must first take a journey through hell, before learning to appreciate life'. Eris had done so, both parts of it, with her own hands. Why couldn't she at least try to help someone like Chiyo and Yoshino. What was the point of such tragedy? [color=9966cc]"They are sisters, they aren't supposed to try to kill one another. They should be the most important person that there's to one another,"[/color] Eris forced herself to say, thinking of her own family, especially Eins, who should still be playing right about now. [color=a2d39c]"Your words hold no sway towards me. Quite simply, there are a threat for me. That is more than enough reason and justification to threaten them before they threaten me,"[/color] Chiyo said, clenching her fingers tighter to where her chip was located deep among her hair. [color=a2d39c]"As an individual ruled by extremes and logic, surely you understand Eris Reinhardt. I am simply doing what I see fit in defending myself. Yes, that's it. This is simply one big case of self-defense. I'm only doing it preemptively. Can you fault me for that?"[/color] Eris' eyes widened as Chiyo's hand was every inch closer to doing as the Fake Moon Rider said and pulling out her chip. That was something that Eris couldn't allow, at this point, being the White King was the only thing Chiyo had, if that was taken from her, what would happen? Moreover, what kind of damage pulling that chip out by force could do to a person's brain? [color=9966cc]"It's alright,"[/color] Eris said with a low voice, tuning her face to the side, [color=9966cc]"I'll do anything you say, just don't hurt Chiyo, Yoshino, or anyone else. I don't want to see anymore suffering because of that game. As long as you keep your word, you can do anything you want of me, but don't touch my sister, Eins suffered more than enough because of my idiocy, already,"[/color] she said between clenched teeth. The look of rage and indignation was evident on Eris's face, as she did so. [color=a2d39c]"Very good. I'll do what I must to preserve myself. But for now I can see you'll continue to be a very valuable asset Eris Reinhardt,"[/color] Chiyo said, slowly moving her hand away. [color=a2d39c]"You will continue to become the weapon of the White Guild. If you do not crush the Strykers with full force, then you know what happens,"[/color] were her last words. And then Chiyo dropped like a stone, the presence seeming to dissipate from thin air. She collapsed against Eris, now unconscious. [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/i6fLcHF.png[/img][/center] After taking a few moments to process all that happened, Eris finally noticed the kind of situation she was in. If Chiyo's mother were to come in, things could get complicated for them. With haste she got back up and set Chiyo porperly on her bed, before fixing her own clothes. Even so, Eris forgot noticed that she lost one button of her shirt, leaving small part of her bra exposed, thought that shouldn't be a problem if she didn't moved too much on her way out. When Eris was sure that everything was ok and that Chiyo was safe, she left. She had to be hasty, given that she still had to find Yoshino and be sure that everything was alright with the Student Council President. At least Chiyo's mother gave a good clue of where to look first, even if she did stare at her when she left the house. [color=9966cc]"Retsu Goroshi, huh? I guess I'm really bound to attract problematic individuals."[/color] Eris said to herself as she instructed her driver about their next destination. [hr] [center][@Lucius Cypher][/center]