[@DriveEMOut] [@grandia20] [@LiegeLord] [@Mangrale] [@LiegeLord] [@Blueflame] [@Vampy] [@KimmiNinja] "Very good. We have two successfully climber. Who would like to go next?" The counselors asked. Kyle studied the wall. The first level looked easy enough. He had never done anything like this. He never had time. He looked towards the firedt. No fires yet. Maybe it would be alright to relax just this once. He made his way to the counselor and let then hook him up. While she got him set up he studied all the possible paths. [@Mistiel] [@Framing A Moose] Ivy shook her head. She raced to the new arrival. She bounced around the other girl. "HELLO! MY NAME IS IVY! WELCOME TO CAMP! I HAVE THE ABILITY TO CONTROL FIRE! I'M HERE WITH MY BROTHER! HE'S WITH THE OTHERS! THEY'RE CLIMBING ROCKS! WHAT'S YOUR POWER! HAVE YOU SEEN THE COUNSELORS! THEY'RE VERY ODD! BUT THEY'RE NICE! WE CAN SHOW YOU WHERE THEY ARE!" She moved constantly as she spoke. She was enjoying exploring the woodd. [b][/b]