[center][h1]Seperation Anxiety Part 2[/h1][/center] [center][h2] Mackenzie and Edwards[/h2][/center] “Come on.” Edwards said as he pulled Ms. Newton away from the swarm of Insects. She was still attached to his arm and she didn't put up any resistance. Moving out he decided they needed to move quickly. For a moment he thought he shouldn't push Ms. Newton any harder, but he couldn't afford not to. The insects were filling in the spaces behind them and could easily swarm again. For the time being however, Ms. Newton seemed to be keeping pace. Without a word Edwards quickened his step. If they were lucky they would cover the remaining click and half in less than 20 minutes. Adrenaline rushed through Mackenzie, giving her a renewed sense of energy. She had trained and participated in several marathons, so pushing herself beyond her limits was something she was used too. Just then she heard the crackle of noise coming from Edwards radio. It appeared that the com systems were back up and running. She could easily feel Agent Edwards let out a long breath and relax as they heard Guerrera's voice. It was a bit garbled, but the message that he was alive got across. He had gone back to find Michael and would see them back at the Beast. “Just get your ass back safe. I still owe you that beer.” Agent Edwards said with a renewed sense of vigor. He pushed forward again covering more ground than they had previously. McKenzie said nothing, however she had to let go of his arm in order to keep from falling. She was breathing heavily by the time the Beast came into view and they didn't stop to take in the carnage surrounding it. They just pushed on through. They cleared the Beasts bay doors moments later. “Medic! We need a medic!” Were the first words out of Mckenzie's mouth as they passed the threshold. She noticed that agent Edwards was in more danger of collapsing than she was. Luckily with in moments Amara Locke was heading their way. Neither she nor Agent Edwards relaxed, however. They were both worried about the people they had left behind. It was evident by the way Agent Edwards started cursing when Amara tried to examine his arm. Amara wasn't at all amused and even threatened to remove his arm completely if he didn't settle down. “Over my dead body!” Edwards yelled at the Medic that had threatened to amputate his arm. He didn't normally act like this, but tension was still high. He needed to know that his Partner and that scientist were safe. That's when Ms. Newton got his attention. She pointed to front of beast and just as he looked up Gurrera and the scientist rushed inside. A weight seemed to be lifted from his shoulders and it seemed like he now had permission to collapse from blood loss.