aye [@Lugubrious] scope this shit my G i finished it [hider=Fin, the Cop] [u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Finimor Thoedrun [u][b]Alias:[/b][/u] Fin, the Cop [u][b]Race:[/b][/u] Rythulian/Wanderer [u][b]Sex:[/b][/u] Male [u][b]Class:[/b][/u] Gunman [u][b]Equipment:[/b][/u] [b]-Siglico & Valencino Mk. IV .44 Handgun [/b]- Emits a bright fluorescent blue glow from its inside [b]-Sacred Scarf [/b]- 6 ft long, charged with a strange energy depicted in glowing white symbols. [u][b]Abilities:[/b][/u] [b]-Scarf-based Flight [/b]- [u]Fin's strange scarf allows him to float upwards for about 6 seconds. Afterwards, it must be recharged - by itself, it recharges for around 35 seconds, or it may recharge for up to 5 seconds, depending on how close it is to an electric or magnetic field.[/u] [b]-Wanderer's Voice [/b]- There is a special addition to Fin's larynx which allows him the use of the Wanderer's Voice - a peculiar way of speech used for operating or activating things. The sound is either a short "chirp", or a drawn-out, chiming "call". [u]It activates any electrical or magical devices within range. The physical range of its effects depends on how loud he calls.[/u] [b]-Quickdraw [/b]- Fin's apparent career as a policeman in a vast, booming and violent city has earned him skills similar to a character from a Wild West movie - "[u]Quicker draw and better aim[/u] than any crook, as was required of us." [b]-Bloodhound Snout [/b]- Fin's physiology, similar to a canine, allows him an [u]increased sense of smell[/u] - a single whiff of the enemy's general stench and he can [u]quickly track them down from a dozen miles away[/u]. [b]-Cat People[/b]- Another thing "they had to learn in the academy" was how to [u]move quickly, yet silently and without being seen[/u] - similar to a cat. The common Rythulian's small weight helped with that. An addition to their training was how to make the most out of another peculiar part of their physiology - their ability to [u]adjust very well and very quickly to the dark[/u]. [u][b]Fighting Style:[/b][/u] A good cop from Fin's home city would follow a quite militaristic principle - shoot first, ask questions later. Fin takes this principle very seriously, as he always tries his hardest to make absolutely sure to engage at the enemy before they do. In fact, he doesn't even let them attack at all - his basic tactic is to fire all six shots from his gun towards them as rapidly as he can and reload as quickly as his ashy hands can. If available, he will use any nearby electrical or magical device to trap or - in this particular case - kill the crook he is pursuing. [u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] Fin seems quite stoic, but under the guise of a cold-hearted, robotic policeman only loyal to the concept of law and order lies a surprisingly smart and sensitive man. His greatest fear is failure, which is why he is so extremely diligent in his work. He has always relied on his gut-feeling, seeing as it's seemed to have saved his life numerous times in the past. He always approaches other people with extreme caution and uses short sentences, as he is more used to work-related situations where he could be stabbed at any moment. For this, he keeps a slightly bigger distance than a normal person would and has a tendency to stare, which is something he himself isn't aware of. [u][b]Bio:[/b][/u] Fin lost most of his memories since his civilization ended abruptly as a result of a Civil War. Although the only life he's ever truly known is that in the Wastes - roaming the sands, visiting ruins and meeting the occasional fellow Wanderer - he does seem to remember small bits of his past life, such as a vast city, his time serving the local police, skills and principles acquired from the police, the city's Law, and a very vague yet specific memory of skyscrapers falling down and collapsing into clouds of dust and smoke, the ear-piercing sounds of guns being fired nearby, the smell of blood, iron and gunpowder, the rumbling feeling of explosive shockwaves and the dead body of someone he feels must've been very important to him. He prefers not to talk or think too much about that particular memory, as it always makes him dizzy when it comes to mind. [u][b]Wish:[/b][/u] His greatest wish is to not be afraid of failure anymore. He never truly made any friends in the Wastes because of this crippling phobia for failure. [u][b]Echo:[/b][/u] A pile of ruins inhabited by a small colony of Wanderers, all of them good friends of each other - people he can trust. Around the ruins - a vast, golden sea of sand reflects the light from the sun. Distant silhouettes of more, slightly bigger ruins nearby. In the horizon - a tall, tall mountain with a crack at the very tip of it. The crack emits a beacon of light. A feeling of being beckoned when one looks at the beacon. Additionally, a vague memory of [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-eHJ12Vhpyc]upbeat music[/url] from before the Civil War playing in his head. [u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u] [hider=Drawings of Fin] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/260142075020836864/292049949900931072/IMG_20170316_225931.jpg[/img] A younger Fin, several months after the start of his career. [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/260142075020836864/292050009392676864/IMG_20170316_230153.jpg[/img] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/260142075020836864/292050307494576128/IMG_20170316_230015.jpg[/img] Present-day Fin. [/hider] His scarf is scarlet and it is bordered with strips of golden silk. The golden silk glows and symbols appear upon it when in use or when recharging [u][b]Frenzy:[/b][/u] A black, steaming liquid begins oozing out of Fin's mouth. Cataracts form up on his eyes. He begins rambling about how the opponent is guilty and is sentenced to death. The black liquid proceeds to slowly consume his body in the form of dark tendrils. He can eject some of it from his mouth. The more his body is consumed, the further he can eject the liquid from his mouth. The black liquid has potent acidic properties, so once it touches an enemy, it causes excruciating pain to them and begins to consume them too. Fin, on the other hand, is unaffected by any pain, although his body still suffers damage. Any wounds inflicted upon him or anyone affected by the liquid makes the consumption quicker. Once it consumes his scarf, it needs no recharging and he can fly indefinitely. However, the scarf also begins to slowly dissolve. Once his entire body is consumed, his flesh begins to crack and he can eject more liquid from the cracks. In hand-to-hand combat, his hands will be able to inflict gruesome wounds, and he will engage in fisticuffs as a last resort. [u][b]Inventory:[/b][/u] Phylactery [/hider]