[hr][center][h1][b][i]Scooby Gang[/i][/b][/h1][hr][b][i][color=82ca9d]Location: [/color][/i][/b]Grand Continental[/center][hr] [color=a187be]"Nothing in my heart for this man, nor has there ever been. He is nothing but a conman and a thief. And from the looks of it, a murderer as well. So please, remove him from my sight!"[/color] she hissed coldly. Sgt Walsh had heard enough and grabbed Abbas by the scruff of his neck, forcing the man to turn out his pockets, he held nothing else in them. "Sir, would you be so good as to come with me to dispose of this man. I believe the ladies will be safe here and can take care of themselves," he said before shoving Abbas to the door. Aziza nodded in thanks to the two as Walsh forced the man out of the room. Shaking her head she looked back down at the necklace before handing it over to Josephine. [color=a187be]"That man has been a blight on this world since his birth from what I can tell. I made the misfortune of running into one night long ago,"[/color] she said before continuing. Aziza took a seat on the couch and sighed. She told Josephine something she didn't really tell anyone. She spoke of her past, of her son, how she was driven out of her home because of a false claim of adultery made against her, how she was nearly stoned to death on her retreat from the home she had known. She showed the woman some of the smaller scars that were visible but barely noticeable at this point. How she had run into Abbas one evening when she was homeless and without much of anything. How he had robbed her and how she had nearly killed him that night before he ran off. It was not an easy venting of her past but she managed to get through it. [color=a187be]"All I want is to see my son again..."[/color] [hr][center][h1][b][i]Elsewhere In The City[/i][/b][/h1][/center][hr] [color=f7976a]"Yes, that would be welcome,"[/color] Vera said towards Lauren at the mention of a drink. Peter looked over to her, a worried expression on his face as he stepped over to her and brushed her hair back out of her eyes, placing a soft kiss to her brow. [color=82ca9d]"You just relax, Uncle and I will be back post haste,"[/color] he said in a caring voice before looking back over towards Reginald and motioning towards the vehicle. He didn't look forward to walking the distance to the hotel with his leg. Vera bit her bottom lip slightly before shuffling off with Lauren into the officers club. In the safety of the Officers Club she sat down on a love seat and touched the place where Peter had kissed, he wasn't always so affectionate but she was not going to fault him right then. Then her thoughts went to another and she sighed. Shaking her head and her thoughts clear of the mess she reached out and took a flute of champagne from one of the servants and downed it rather quickly before taking another off the same tray as she replaced it with the empty one. Across town, the officers finished their questioning of Nora and others within the building before making their way to the next and then the next. The desk clerk rubbing the back of his neck before looking over to her. "The town is in an uproar tonight, there is no mistake about that Miss. It is probably a good thing you came back here when you did, lord knows only what type of ruffians are out and about tonight. If there anything I can do for you? Perhaps call for a meal to be brought in? Or to fetch the surgeon for something to help you sleep?"