[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/vGuXstI.jpg[/img][/center] [center]Interacting with:[/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/RoXlKaI.jpg[/img][/center] [hr][hr] Natalia stepped aside, allowing Kieran to have his personal space again. The guy was such a hard nut to crack, regardless of how many times she tried to get him to loosen up a bit. But the fact of the matter is that it was in his nature to be detached, and changing a habit that old was simply next to impossible. Nonetheless, she would continue to strive for the unattainable, if only to show that she was still interested in working with him as much as the first day. [color=maroon]"Couples it is,"[/color] she responded with a look of approval. His ideas were always good, and today was no exception. Even though Natalia had been Kieran's mentor when he first joined their organization, he had brought with him his intelligence and quick wit, and that was something she couldn't help but admire. She then looked past her partner over at Felix, who was more than likely planning how him and his group they were going to make their approach. He was one of her older friends there, and even though she trusted him with her life, she had never really shared her past with him, nor anyone else for that matter. Natalia took quick a look around, noticing everyone was still working out how they were planning to advance forward with the case. It was always a good idea to get as much detail into the cover story as possible. [color=maroon]"But can you please pretend to look happy that you're with me? Regardless of the fact that we're here purely out of concern due to these nasty rumors..."[/color] she added, shifting her weight as she crossed her arms with a smile. She was only anticipating the day that Kieran would find a new partner, but he hadn't changed his mind yet so her company probably wasn't all that bad.