[b]Character you have created:[/b] Nicole MacNamara [b]Alias:[/b] Walker [b]Speech Color (Actually say what you're using):[/b] [color=azure]Azure F0FFFF[/color] [b]Character Alignment:[/b] Walking the Line [b]Identity:[/b] Secret, trying to keep it that way [center][img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/621d5307b8436dc52b946c4b77548951/tumblr_o158yvQxAv1qag9zto1_1280.jpg[/img] (The piercings wouldn't be there, as the holes can't exist. Otherwise good representation) [/center] [b]Character Personality[/b]: Nicole is a scrapper, born and bred in the rough neighbourhoods of Hell's Kitchen to a poor family of workers. She knows life is tough, sometimes overwhelmingly so, but she battles on because really, what other choice do you have? She tries to maintain a positive attitude and see the good in the world, but the past three months have not been kind to her, and it's starting to wear pretty hard. It doesn't help that her hormones are raging about, and not showing any signs of cutting back soon. There are many things that aggravate Nicole, and those fluctuate day to day. But several things drive her at this point. She thirsts, desires like nothing else she's known before, to satisfy her sense of justice. She knows gangs are horrible, and senseless violence bad, but otherwise her sense of justice is entirely based out of what her working-class father managed to teach her, mainly that 'hard work's rewarded, and good prevails'. She is somewhat arbitrary in what she believes might be just or not, and, for example, will happily smash a man in the face for shoplifting. In short, her responses will most likely be physically violent, and sometimes not proportional. She has found over the last couple of months that she generally enjoys fighting, which is probably not going to endear her to her idol. Also on her list of not-so-heroic traits: She has no problems stealing to live, though not from the poor. Sneaking her way into places, killing those she thinks deserve it, fighting with the police if they try and take her in; None of this is beyond her. She will do [i]anything[/i] to achieve her goals. [b]Uniform/costume:[/b] [hider=My Hider] Jacket: [img]https://e.ridersdiscount.com/generated/697/1/49697-black-fox-racing-titan-sport-sleeveless-protection-jacket_500.jpg[/img] Pants: [img]http://cdn.bikebandit-images.com/product_images/fl/500/flywomenscoolpromeshmotorcyclepants2011.jpg[/img] Boots: [img]http://s7d1.scene7.com/is/image/HarleyDavidson/98741_15VWF[/img] Add a black bandana across her lower face, blackened goggles, and a baseball cap. Obviously, once she starts heroing, this should change, but this is all she can get for a disguise for now. [/hider] [b]Origin Info/Details:[/b] Nicole grew up the youngest of three girls born to a poor electrician and his wife in Hell's Kitchen. She had, as far as she could tell, everything she wanted from life, even if she didn't necessarily eat every night and never got to see parks. But she was happy, and tha was important. She did...[i]okay[/i] in school, though she was neither exceptional nor all that motivated. Early on, she got the bug to read her older sisters comics books, and when her mom taught her about Lady Liberty, she was fascinated. She grew up thinking that the only thing she wanted to do was to be a superhero. She got her wish in the most horrific way she could imagine. She missed the news broadcasts warning that Pax MetaHumana was coming, and Nicole was busy bringing groceries back to her house when she had to take cover from a gang fight that broke out nearly on her tenement building's front step. As she crouched, waiting for everything to calm down at least long enough for her to get inside, the crackling green energy washed over her street, and for just a moment, she knew [i]everything[/i]. Just as quickly, that knowledge and her memory of it was gone, and she was left feeling slightly nauseous. Trying to figure out what was going on, she peeked up over the dumpster she had taken cover behind. Which was when the street exploded. Later, she pieced together what had happened. Apparently, one of the combatants near her had gained the ability to explode forward and detonate like a rocket, somehow without taking damage. One of the opposing folks had developed lightning powers, and a host of minor physical abilities may have occurred on both sides. All Nicole knew at the time was that the dumpster had launched into her in a cloud of flying debris, launching her through the brick wall behind her, and everything went dark as a corner of the building collapsed onto her. Her parents were both killed in the building's collapse, and one of her sisters was killed by fighting in the streets during the mass panic that occurred. When she woke up and found out what happened, Nicole nearly lost her mind then and there. But the news broadcasts in the area included mentions of the heroes fighting to stop what had killed her family, and somewhere deep down, her mind latched on to the hero Icon as the one who stopped it from happening to any further cities, despite the reality of it being a whole confederation of heroes. She spent several days learning what she could about him, and then, grabbing some gear to keep herself hidden so she didn't get taken in as a runaway, she began the long trek to Lost Haven. She aims to become his apprentice, or at least learn how to hero, and stop things like the Pax Metahumana event from ever destroying another family. Since she is underage, she has had to make her way to the city on foot [b]Hero Type (Select one):[/b] Brick [b]Power Level (Select one below):[/b] Street [b]Powers (Be Specific):[/b] [i]Set Adrift[/i]: Nicole is caught outside of time, temporally unset. Her position in time varies greatly, so much so that, using the "Trousers of Time" or branching dimensions explanation of Multiverse Theory, she exists as the same person in all possible universes, though not physically, because all of those incarnations of her exists [i]at the same point in time[/i], the present. Mentally and spiritually, she is normal, but anything that attempts to affect her physically would have to affect her for all of time, all at once. Effectively, she is conventionally invulnerable. Kinetic impacts, energy, poisons; nothing can affect her for her entire existence at the moment it happens, and thus is negated entirely, not even capable of breaking the surface of her skin. This also means nothing can change her body from the point she was temporally destabilised. She cannot starve, cannot suffocate, and will not age. Her muscles cannot be damaged, so she enjoys a slight increase of strength over average humans, and can lift more than she should be able to because she doesn't have to fear bone breakage or soft tissue rupture. Oddly, this does not affect her memory like it logically should, and neural pathways can still form, though only in her brain(see below about muscle memory). She is also slowly losing any sort of fear, due to her complete inability to encounter things that cause her pain. That could change, given what she might face off against later. [b]Attributes (Select one at each category):[/b] [indent] Height: 5'4” Weight: 127 lbs Strength Level: Above Human, but not normal meta levels (Her only augment to strength is not suffering muscle,tendon, or bone damage) Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Human Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: Effectively limitless Agility: Normal human Intelligence: Average Fighting Skill: Untrained [/indent] [b]Resources:[/b] Minimal [b]Weaknesses:[/b] She does not age. She is fifteen. While she might enjoy immortality for a little bit, she will never be physically an adult. She will never be taken seriously as an adult. And she is permanently in the final stages of puberty, unable to ever escape the ravages of hormonal fluctuations. Anything that ignores one's temporal position can affect her as per normal. This means she is susceptible to magical enchantment, psionics, having her soul ripped out, and other things like that. Directly damaging magic, such as hurling a fireball at her, however, still has no effect. Theoretically,if one could do enough damage to affect her for all of time, one could wear down her physical defenses and damage her, but in practise this would be almost impossible except for extremely powerful speedsters. She isn't all that bright, and as a fifteen year old is convinced that she knows exactly how the world works, despite any evidence that other people might know more than her(with the exception of Icon). While that might change a little over time, it will never completely go away. Despite being undamageable, she is still subject to all of the other normal physics a one hundred and twenty-pound girl might face. She can be buried in rubble and rendered immobile, launched into space to adrift forever, sunk to the bottom of the ocean, tied up, etc. Her natural strength can only go so far. Speaking of strength, her unchanging body comes with a curse. She was somewhat strong for her age due to some sports training, but she while she will never suffer muscle degradation, she will never [i]gain[/i] muscle mass, either. No matter how much she might need out of her muscles, they will never grow any stronger. She will never get any more flexible, never get any faster, never gain muscle memory for martial training. Being undamageable has some psychological effects, as well. Nicole is completely reckless, having no concern at all for tactics, delicate situations, or really anything beyond completing her task. She also has a tendency to forget what might hurt or kill normal people. If anything should infect her somehow, while she would be immune to ill effects, she is the perfect carrier for disease. And no known medical test can possibly work on her, returning nothing but errors or blank screens, needles unable to puncture her skin, etc. Though she can produce saliva, so that's something. She has no sense of internal timing anymore, saving for those reflexes needed for combat. So while she can time and dodge a punch if she needed to, she is constantly late, having no idea what time it might be even from moment to moment. This effect of her displacement also causes her vision to be slightly blurred in a way no corrective lenses can correct, as her eyes see everything both slightly ahead and behind of its actual position in the present. [b]Supporting Characters (Does your character have a significant other? A mother? Friend? Who are they, what do they have to do with your character?):[/b] Her sister Alice is missing and presumed dead. Everyone else is dead, and as she is also presumed dead, no one is looking for her at the moment. [b]Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?:[/b] Think I got it down, now. [b]Edited to drop her strength.[/b]