Weapon #0029850 [img]http://s2.narvii.com/image/sdoqpl7kzq65zid5ehn7momn5gpxedzw_hq.jpg[/img][img]http://pm1.narvii.com/5581/9445b8699ab66c9e14ca01471d81803d89fd2795_hq.jpg[/img] Age:looks 18 language: English weight: 115 Ht:5'6 Abilities: Survive in a vacuum. Doesn't sleep, eat, sweat, breathe, other body functions. Can become immaterial at will, and pass through almost all materials. The immaterial state makes her unrecognizable, "It was a ghost." Her telekinetic abilities are short range 10 ft, however they are strong enough to stop a speeding train instantly. Her telekinetic are also adjusted for fine motor skills, I.E. take a pen off a counter and put the lid on. Flaws: Immaterial ability only works on her, not metal or inorganic's. Cotton is fine if its tight against the skin. She cant pass through iron. She doesn't breathe so no sense of smell or taste. Her fine telekinetic abilities only work on what she can see. Her immaterial state makes her deaf. Sound waves cant hit the ear drum to create sound.