[@duskshine749]Congratulations! You’re accepted! Your magic type is Wind magic! You control the very air around you, in the wind and sky! Using wing magic, you can direct gusts of wind, create vortexes, and even lift yourself up on a breeze! Whoa! Currently, you only know summon, so you can summon a gust of wind to you, but can’t do much else. With time and the aid of a familiar, however, you can direct your winds with more skill, precision, and eloquence, and perform powerful feats that defy nature and even manipulate the very air currents! Amazing! In addition, your partner is Vyvyan Ngiwan, controlled by [@Republic]! You can add your partner, magic type, and known spell to your CS, and I’ll add you to the OOC ASAP! You’re a part of the 3rd group to be paired, so you’ll have to wait a wee bit to post in the IC. However, you can feel free to put your CS in the Character’s tab, and chat things up in the OOC!