[hider=Saber: Chi-You] Name: Chi-You, "God of War, "Tyrant of the Hmong" Class: Saber (Alternately can utilize the Caster or Berserker classes) Gender: Female Appearance: [hider=Chi-You][img]http://i.imgur.com/L7qGTdO.jpg[/img][/hider] She also stands at a tall, Amazonian-level height of 6'8", about in inch shorter than that of the King of Conquerors himself in regards to her height. Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Personality: Chi-You is an individual who rules like that of a tyrant, taking what she wants, doing what she wants, and conducting herself as she wants without caring what others think nor caring what she does to others. However, she does have some respect and will show favor to those who are her allies and subordinates, while being merciless and cruel to those who are her enemies without a second thought. She enjoys the throes and action of battle, though at the same time is not a complete "blood-lusted fool" as is very willing to employ and use whatever strategies she feels best for a situation (even if they are very much underhanded). Indeed, she is even willing to listen to the strategies of those who are her subordinates or allies, at least if she finds those plans to be competent enough ones or feels a whim to follow along with another's plan. While willing to be patient for the sake of victory or plans he has laid out, if her master or allies sit about doing little to nothing for too long, or try to go with plans she perhaps finds to be "foolish" or "stupid", she is of the sort who might very well just storm off and take action without the approval of her master or her allies. For the tyrant that is Chi-You, no goal is too impossible, no enemy unable to be subjugated, no challenge unable to be conquered, and no prize that is not worth fighting for (unless she honestly finds it stupid). Indeed, she admires behaviors similar to that of herself, and based on personality alone might just be compatible to become best friends or absolute rivals with a certain "King of Conquerors" on sight. History: [hider=Multiple Sources for Chi-You] [url]https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chiyou[/url] [url]http://www.chinaknowledge.de/History/Myth/personschiyou.html[/url] [url]https://books.google.com/books?id=Wf40ofEMGzIC&pg=PA93&lpg=PA93&dq=chi+you&source=bl&ots=V9qUK_69q4&sig=2GPBZDLG5Jzii5vUHKLRjnxw-PA&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwivhLmOgNnSAhXL5YMKHZIvBKs4ChDoAQgrMAM#v=onepage&q=chi%20you&f=false[/url] (pages 92-93 in the book this links to) [url]https://books.google.com/books?id=e2AEDQAAQBAJ&pg=PA18&lpg=PA18&dq=what+were+chiyou%27s+weapons&source=bl&ots=vBoxg_-97-&sig=B_AlvHNXn9WMq7IBDamHc7IRaVU&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjjmav4hdnSAhXq54MKHTnKB1IQ6AEILzAE#v=onepage&q=what%20were%20chiyou's%20weapons&f=false[/url] [/hider] Weapon: Fivefold Primordial Armaments Parameters: STR: B CON: A AGI: B MGI: B LCK: D Class Skills: [b]Magic Resistance[/b]: B -Cancel spells with a chant below three verses. Even if targeted by High-Thaumaturgy and Greater Rituals, it is difficult for Chi-You to be affected. [b]Riding[/b]: C -Most vehicles and animals can be handled with above average skill. However, cannot ride the likes of Phantasmal Species such as Monstrous Beasts. Due to her lack of really riding a mount in legend, this skill is merely an "added bonus" granted to her by virtue of being under the Saber class container. Personal Skills: [b]Eye for Weapons[/b]: C plus -A skill of those who forged or created weapons in life, or in short the ability for a legendary weapons-maker or weapon-smith to recognize the identity other Noble Phantasm weapons and their attributes. This skill requires a LCK check to work. Chi You is able to easily and virtually instantly recognize any Noble Phantasms that are the human-forged "children" or derivatives of her own original five weapons, though beyond this does not really have the talent to recognize any other Noble Phantasm weapons not related to her own (though there is a chance she could discern some of their attributes or the area of the world they originated from on sight). [b]Monstrous Strength[/b]: B -Is a Skill that permits the augmentation of its holder's Strength parameter by one rank for a time limit determined by the ranking of this Skill. This Skill is borne from the holder's nature as a monster or Demonic Beast. In the case of Chi-You, this causes her to temporarily go into her "monstrous form" during the time she is using this skill, while at the same time temporarily sealing her "Divinity" skill while she is using this skill in particular. Chi-You in life was said to "have a bronze head", one that was "like that of a bull with two horns", also with "metal foreheads" as well as "4 eyes and 6 arms, wielding terrible sharp weapons in every hand" as well while her body "was that of a human". This monstrous form of Chi-You is a terrible thing to behold, and to fight according to Chi-You's exploits in battle. She is also capable of summoning fog and lightning while she is within this form to boot. [b]Divinity[/b]: A -Is the measure of whether one has Divine Spirit aptitude or not. At high levels one is treated as a mixed race of a Divine Spirit, and the level declines when the Heroic Spirit's own rank as a Monster or Demonic Beast raises. It can also decrease due to one's dislike for the gods. Those who have A Rank Divinity or above has reached the throne of a god. It also has an effect which reduces special defensive values called 'purge defense' in proportion to the Divinity's Rank. It can break through Skills such as Protection of the Faith and Enlightenment of the Sacred Fig. As a Saber, Chi-You embodies her more human as well as her "godly" aspect that she gained from being worshiped and deified after her death. Noble Phantasm(s): Name: Fivefold Primordial Armaments Title: "The Original Weapons of War" Rank: A plus plus NP Type: Anti-Army Range: 0 Maximum Number of Targets: 5 Description: This Noble Phantasm is Chi-You's set of five weapons she possessed in myth, the first military weapons of their kind that after her death would themselves be the basis and inspiration for all Noble Phantasms of their types throughout history. In short, Chi-You possesses, can utilize, and as a servant is able to switch between the original: sword, halberd, shield, bow (which uses arrows made of her prana like the bows of Archer servants), and war axe. Each of these weapons are very high-grade Noble Phantasms, though akin to something like Excalibur it does not cost Chi-You any prana to physically wield and switch between these weapons or wield multiple weapons, nor does she have to activate this Noble Phantasm to switch weapons or wield multiple weapons. These weapons, being the first of their kind, will naturally be superior over any of their human-forged "derivatives" that came after them if/when they clash with each other in combat. Where this Noble Phantasm's true power shines, however, is the secondary aspect of this Noble Phantasm which combines these original weapons with Chi-You's authority after being deified and worshipped as a God of War and Weapons after her death. Chi-You is able to activate this Noble Phantasm formally to cause any of her weapons to temporarily (as in for just one use at a time) transform into any of their human-forged derivative Noble Phantasms (which have been created for the "art of war" as well) that she has analyzed with her "Eye for Weapons" skill. For instance, being able to cause her sword to transform into Balmung and fire off Balmung's attack if she has analyzed Balmung, or being able to have her shield take on the powers of Rho Aias if she analyzes the actual Rho Aias or its conceptual variant. After mimicking these attributes/powers of other Noble Phantasms at least once, she is able to mimic them again at will at later times without having to see the mimicked Noble Phantasm again. Yet the key weakness of this secondary aspect's power is that she cannot have her weapons transform into those that are not derivatives of them such as javelins, spears, or conceptual weapons such as Jeanne de Arc's "La Pucelle" that are a crystallized feat or some subtype of reality marble and the like. She cannot have her weapons transform into weapons that came before her time (pretty much meaning that she could never mimic "Ea"). The secondary aspect of this Noble Phantasm would be sealed off as well if she was summoned as a Berserker. Similarly, if she cannot properly see a Noble Phantasm to use her "Eye for Weapons" skill on, such as when Diarumid has his spears completely covered up in battle like he had them at the beginning of Fate/Zero, wherein she cannot see the weapons well enough to recognize it. Further, all transformations for her weapons occur at the speed of a one-count spell. [/hider] [hider=Master: Lorelei Baggett] Name/Title: Lorelei Baggett Gender: Female Age: 5 (is a homunculus) Personality: Lorelei is a normally rather calm homunculi, bearing herself well in general situations while still being capable of various emotions like any other human being when placed in various scenarios. A curious individual, she does enjoy learning about new things and new places, though in regards to the Grail War she takes things rather seriously due to its conditions. She will not hesitate to defend herself or to kill those that try to kill her, though is still willing to be involved in things such as alliances and strategies to help ensure her and her servant's survival as much as is possible in this Grail War. Though she sees herself as a "researcher", "historian", and "magus" more than anything else, she knows that regardless of this she will need to fight if she is to survive any span of time in this conflict. Appearance: [hider=Lorelei's Appearance][img]http://i.imgur.com/AbEnhk1.jpg[/img][/hider] Biography: Lorelei is a homunculus of the Baggett Family, a family of Western Alchemy practicing magi who are specialized at the crafting of homunculi as well as transmutation. Though they hone these arts like other magi families, the Baggett Family like many also seeks to acquire a route to access "The Root", or Akasha. Yet their method is admittedly strange. They seek to record and gather up as much of the history of the world of magi that they can amass, analyzing it in hopes to discover a route to Akasha. In short, they want to examine and use data gathered from phenomena, historical magical events, unique magical objects artifacts, and seeing what others have done to try to get to Akasha among other sorts of things in order to discover a path to The Root. It is to this end that the family considers themselves "magus historians", and as members of the Magus Association have further been employed to help archive and keep up with "unimportant" records and such that many of the lords of the Association do not desire to handle, update, or even really keep track of due to the task being a "waste of their time". The Baggett family has always made sentient homunculi to use for gathering data and records of events, and rarely used them to intervene in matters they feel to be "too risky" for the safety of magi as a community. Further, homunculi are given the Baggett Family name for the sake of formalities and denoting who made them should they run into other magi. Oddly enough among magi and alchemists, these homunculi are treated as part of the Baggett Family itself, being seen in the same light as Baggett Family members in that they are valuable contributing members to the family's goal of reaching Akasha. Indeed, to the Baggett Family their magi and homunculi are all valuable assets in their research. With this all in mind, the Baggett Family created Lorelei, a homunculus who is the third model in her line who was made to act as a support for familiars (able to sustain them while using them to scout) as well as to assist other Baggett Family homunculi and magi in the field in a support role. Yet when word of the Holy Grail War eventually arose, she was pulled from being sent into the field like prior models and was instead prepared to be entered into the Holy Grail War. As a master Lorelei is to participate in the latest Holy Grail War to observe the war, to win it and safely analyze the Holy Grail if possible, and to survive if at all possible to bring back whatever data she can gather to the Baggett Family. Beyond that, she is free to wish upon the Grail as she wishes if she is to earn it. However, if the Holy Grail is deemed too much of a danger to the world or to magi society...she is to seek to destroy the Holy Grail at any costs and by any means necessary. Family History (if applicable): (Was incorporated with the "Biography" section above) Origin: Life Elemental Affinity: Ether Number of Magic Circuits: C Quality of Magic Circuits: A Od: 1.41596782 Magecraft: -General Magecraft (self-explanatory) -High Speed Aria: Is a skill of modern magi, allows chanting of incantations at a faster pace. Activation of thaumaturgy is done in half the normal time (ex: Ten-Count spells are done in 30 seconds). -Healing Magecraft: Is the type of thaumaturgy involving recovering the flesh of injured people and of detoxification. She has been designed to be highly skilled in this area, and has a wide array of healing spells and even multiple ten-count spells for use in healing herself as well as healing and supporting whatever servant she managed to summon. Her healing magecraft works by greatly speeding up the rate at which the body heals and repairs itself through stimulating the cells in the affected area. Similarly it is through the stimulation and manipulation of the cells and enzymes of the immune system and body in general that the detoxification of poisons and other chemicals in the body is achieved. -Western Alchemy: Basically she has very high levels of skill in and knowledge of Western Alchemy, including: transference of consciousness, transmutation, and the coining of homunculi. Equipment: Mystic Codes as well as mundane stuff. Everything they walk into the RP with. Unless you're really rich with an illustrious family backing you, you shouldn't have tons of Mystic Codes. -Enough money to live in a top-floor hotel room for up to a week and a half, including meals, travel by taxi or similar modes, and to get any additional supplies needed for the war on-site. -High Quality First-Aid Kit: Put together for her back home, it includes: containing two bottles of strong antibiotics, two syringes that come with four spare needles each, lots of gauze and bandages, an emergency third disposable syringe of epinephrine, 2 bottles of disinfectant, ointment for burns, antibiotic ointment, and a loaded flare gun with four additional rounds.) -15x "Hallucinogenic" magic Gas Grenades: Mystic Coda that were crafted by the Baggett Family using Western Alchemy, they are grenades that activated by a single-action spell to activate their internal timer before they are thrown like a regular grenade. Upon detonation, they release a wide and thick cloud of neurotoxic and hallucinogenic gas that can become very deadly to humans and other magi that breathe it in. The hallucinations are very quick-acting, and are meant to completely disorient victims' senses and mind, as well as cause them to begin to experience terrifying and strange hallucinations meant to distract them. The neurotoxin in the gas is meant to leave victims weakened or to drive them to flee from the area, though lingering in the cloud of gas for about five minutes will dose them with a fatal amount of neurotoxin. Mainly meant for escaping dangerous situations, these grenades can also be used to try to kill enemies by boxing them into an area and detonating a grenade there. -1x Gas Mask (to avoid being affected by her grenades) Skills: -She is a moderately good cook -She is highly trained in first aid treatment (goes with her First-Aid kit) -She is a professionally trained piano player [/hider]