[@6slyboy6] Here's my concept I wanted to base my Human faction from the events of Code Geass but a little more realistic, a small part of the Empire that wants to secede that would eventually garner support from either other people who share their views within the Empire or support from outside the Empire. They would start out small with rebel raids being conducted on military targets with long pauses from their aggression stealing weapons and equipment, resorting to either hiding in plain sight or disappearing from public view without a trace, their tactics would be underhand and subtle and when they would appear in public events it would be almost theatrical whilst still having a practical goal in mind. Their first goal is to break away from the Empire becoming their own entity, with their own ideology. Their second goal is defending their newly formed nation. Their third goal is to stabilize the nations government and economy. Another concept is that they've already decided to go into full scale conflict with the empire involving a few worlds, hitting supply routes, military installations, stealing ships, and other actions that they would deem necessary to complete their goal of ridding the galaxy of the oppressive rule of the Empire, these would be humans that are sympathetic to the cause of Xenos and would be more inclined to aid the destruction of the empire through any means necessary. So there are the two concepts I've thought of, one being largely passive-aggressive, and the other being actively aggressive. Tell me what you think.