[h1] [color=Fuchsia] [center] Katya [/center] [/color] [/h1] [hr] The time leading up to the mission Katya spent in working on her drones. Installing and testing the thrusters. So they worked perfectly. She also had to spend quite a bit of time learning how to modify Caretakers interface to show the thrusters status and add in a program to the drones so they could use them. A lot of work, given Katya only had a basic understanding of the drones programing. Which she learned was quite complex, but user-friendly for the most part. Caretaker's proved to easier as Katya had taken the time to become familiar with most of the werk. It's computer systems being one such thing. However, the workload Katya put herself under she felt was good. As it kept her busy, she didn't have time to dwell on the mission or Elora. When it came time to board Noah, Katya had finished everything several hours before hand she had spent the little free time sleeping until it was time to get ready. Content the drones would work with thrusters. She'd work hard to make sure they would, so was positive they would. When ordered to board NOAH, Katya did so. Running one last check on her drones. Which lead to full system check, Katya was nervous. She'd only done a few basic training drills in space. Back on her homeworld. But they always near the space sation. A in clearly marked area and recovery vessel on standby in case something went wrong. The entire trip Katya checked Caretakers systems to keep herself busy. When the moment came to disembark into the void of space. Katya felt reluctant to do so. But forced herself too so into the void Caretake lept. For the first few moments, Katya thought she was handling the isolation of space well. But then she felt cold bead of sweat run down her the side of her face and her breathing became all too noticeable. Katya gripping her controls tightly. Her eye's closed as she mentally told herself she'd be okay. That she trusted Caretaker to keep her safe in the depths of space. Alongside anything else, she could think of to keep claim. Luckily Elise broke the silence. Katya surprised by her orders to have her lead an infiltration team. Elise word about looking forward meeting the psychic chick as she called her [color=Fuchsia]"Yes ma'am we will not fail."[/color] Katya responded trying to bolster her own resolve. Mentally Katya swearing no matter what she'd bring Elora back. The Cruxi would not stop her, not matter what obstacles were placed in her way. Katya pulled Caretaker away from main group waiting for those would be joining her. While she waited, she sent Zim a recorded message on a secured private channel before cutting comms with anyone with would joining the frontal assault team. [color=Fuchsia][i]"Zim you better not die out there. Not before I pay off my debt to you. Just make sure you survive through this. Owing a dead person a debt is complicated and rather not have to deal with it. So this is an order no dying. Well, gotta go, give the Cruxi hell."[/i][/color] The Katya recorded for the message before sending it off to Black Star. With message sent Katya began to work out some sort of plan. Although having no idea what to expect inside the station she suspected she'd be making most of her plans up on the fly. All she knew right now she'd hold off until the assault began. Before moving her own team in hoping the Cruxi would be distracted so less likely to notice them. Still, Katya just didn't know what to expect. So trying to plan things to her seemed like a waste of time and mental energy. All it did was keep her focused on the mission find. Get in find Elora get out. To Katya that was all that mattered.