Hey y'all I posted this in the other room I'm in so I should probs do it here too lol. One of the reasons I've not been so active is because work it's killing me. [Hider=look at that block of text] [quote=@AnaSilan Sunja] *cries* not only do I have a 9 and a half hour shift tomorrow, but my front desk person won't even be there after 7:30, whereas they usually stay until 9:30 to help me count and bundle the money and count down tills. It's gonna be so much 😭 [/quote] So ok 1 of the 6 (including me) cash office workers is on vacation. I'm already passed my hours by an hour and a half for the week. Another already has another job and can't readjust her schedule after its been posted. The 4th just came back from medical leave so she's doing short shifts. Of the 2 that [i]only [/i] do customer service and nothe the cash office as well, one got suspended because her till was over 100 dollars, and the other is in the hospital. That's left the last two to try and rearrange my schedule and theirs since the 3 of us are the only ones that can really shift hours around(I was previously only half an hour over my limit but I picked up an extra hour, the only higher amount I could, to help out). Currentry and for the foreseeable future(week and a half or so), I will be having 9+ hour shifts to help out, and where I would usually reply as the customer service person covered me, I will have to be covwring both customer service and the cash office instead. I'll still be here, but it'll probably be a random pop in at like 2am or something.[/hider]