[quote=@ERode] It's more of a case where Vicious Strikes was taken because there's literally no value in any other feat. 10% armor piercing for ranged attacks, when her ranged attacks specifically do no damage? Double damage from sneak attacks when her skills are optimized towards longer, drawn out battles? And yeah, I read the whole round thing. Think it's weird that each round takes up an entire minute for a maximum of two attacks, but eh, whatever. [/quote] It was in fact one of my ideas to correct this time discrepancy and make it kinda like how it's on D&D, for example. A round lasting only a few seconds, instead of a full minute, but it wouldn't really matter in the gran scheme of things, thus I never touched this issue. Just try to handwave the duration mentally, after a bit you get used to it. [quote=@ERode] Also a question. How does attack speed factor in to stuff? So far, stats just seem to be a rather nebulous thing, cause there's no point system or anything here, but the ability to hit multiple times per single action is a keystone to my character's ability to fuck shit up, so yeah...attack speed, how's that work? [/quote] Hmm, this is another question that's really a matter of abstraction, just as you say. I never thought that an Attack Action should be just one hit, for most avatars, it really but also it must be something that is kept within reason. I know that it's a bit to nebulous to work by these standards, but give that we don't have any hard rules on this RP, that's how it should go. A character like yours certain would be able to attack 3~4 times in Round, at least I think so.