[color=A9A9A9][center][B][H3]V E N T U S[/H3][/B][/center][hr][/COLOR] This was the part where parents would typically say something like, “It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt…” Geoff knew that Pickles wasn't ready to take on the mantle of a S-Class hero. He didn't want to admit it, hiding behind a veil of apathy toward the situation. Now it was clear; there are reasons for the ranking system and for how rigorous it was to obtain S-Class. Just look at the difference between Pickles fighting the red guy and Ventus fighting him. Fighting didn't describe it well enough, when Ventus showed up it was entirely one sided… Without the intention of gasconading; Geoff was a proper example of an S-Class hero… He'd sleep easier if Pickles was in B-Class… There was the immediate situation as the ambulance shot down street after street, blowing through red-lights with its sirens blaring and lights revolving. Geoff’s thoughts were running wild as he was reassessing his position in the public statements he'd made only half an hour before, he was brought back to reality when Pickles’ heart stopped. He made as much room as he could to allow the paramedics free range in the cramped space. Eventually they were able to restart his heart and it was determined that he'd probably been poisoned with cyanide. Someone had poisoned the broken man who lay on the stretcher… how had Geoff not noticed? The culprit must've been in disguise… Naturally Geoff couldn't be familiar with the City Z hospital staff… A better question was that none of the paramedics or the driver noticed a strange character administering ‘medication’ to a patient. [i]The assassin is still here… That's how no one noticed anything… Our culprit is a paramedic...[/i] They'd arrived at the hospital. Someone ran off to fetch masks as the hospital staff rushed out to retrieve their critical patient. Geoff followed as they brought him to an operating room. He was famous enough that no one questioned him as he was ushered into the observatory room where he had a good view of the operating table.