[b]Tatiana Lorenz[/b] "I'm sure Eos believes so," Tatiana replied with a matter-of-fact tone. It was the truth after all. Even if it didn't seem like it to them, the High Queen worked on a level far beyond what they could comprehend. Plans in plans and layers upon layers. They might lose, but she was certain that their leader had some way to work that to her advantage, all in the name of ultimate victory in the war. She just probably wouldn't live long enough to see it, but it didn't bother her. There were worse fates. The offer was easy to accept, given that she really didn't have anything else planned right now. "I was, at least for now. I need to practice my new abilities more before the next battle comes around," she explained, stepping over to the side so Bastion could join her on the range proper. There was no complaint at the company, especially not when they could both work together to do what it was they had come here for. There was no point in waiting much longer and so she got to work, lifting her left arm as she stretched out her mind. The targets down range would lift off the ground to over in midair, floating for the moment at a respectable height as Tatiana focused on keeping them that way as long as she could. "You can fire when ready," she told Bastion, preparing for her friend to act. They would both get training this way, with Bastion trying to shoot the targets while Tatiana tried to have them dodge the incoming shots. It would even work her other powers a bit in the process, though she was mainly working with her telekinesis thus far, to see what sort of limits she had. Either way, this wasn't bad for practice at all. The other factions wouldn't know what hit them when the next battle came. [@TheWindel]