[h1][center]Aemon al Caar al Thorin[/center][/h1] Aemon could feel his wife's will, as hot as a bonfire and as cool and calm as an untouched pond. He had indeed approached her as her King, but he could not help but smile at this wondrous woman he had been fortunate enough to marry. His golden mane swayed lightly in the breeze as he watched her and listened, his heart lifted at the sight of her having relaxed before they began to speak of less pleasant things. "You're right, my Queen." he replied as they walked. By the light, she was beautiful. It was a query of the poets that such women could be so formidable as well. "A defensive campaign is what we should generally pour our resources and tactics on, as we initially agreed. However if the Shadow is pushed back, will it not come again? What is better, to frighten the Lion with fire and scare it off for the night, or finish it with your spear so the threat is ended for good?" Aemon spoke with a strength to his voice, one he often used when speaking during Court. He knew his wife understood it was how he needed to be when speaking of strategies, publicly at least. "My Officers are not tiring. They have fought day and night, but would much rather rid this land of the taint than take a respite from it. But..." The King sighed, and slipped his hand upon his wife's slender shoulder. "I say we send out scouts to report if they are gaining reinforcements soon. If reinforcements do indeed approach, we fight defensively. If not..." He let it hand in the air, and squeezed her shoulder to gain her attention. "I shall send the men on leave for a few days as we wait, let them visit their children and be with their lovers. Such a privilege should not be taken lightly." His smile to her was very much a husband's smile, and he guided her further into the Palace as they walked.