[hider=LOCATION] [b]The Sunlit Vale[/b] In stark contrast to the horrid Pallid Plain or the shores where touches the Mists of Rom, the Sunlit Vale is a lush and verdant region. The forests of birch, pine and corkscrew willows cradle the gentle hills of the central vale where many small communities thrive on the bounty of the fertile soil. Grasslands buffer the ring of forests and the vale. Hundreds of cool springs fed by underground estuaries cross the grasslands and drain into lakes and ponds. Dappling the overwhelmingly green landscape are slabs of white granite and shale, untouched by weather or overgrowing vegetation. The mosses and ivy that quickly overtake any ruin in the vale inexplicably avoid these enormous stones. They are roughly rectangular in shape, smooth and cold to the touch. The largest, called "Giants Palm" is nearly a mile long, and have sunken into one of the many lakes in the region. The Vale is isolated and peaceful; idyllic even. The country roads are tedious and winding; dirt and mud paths traveled for centuries by shepherds and farmers and before that the wild herds of animals that have been thinned or driven off with the arrival of civilization, small as it is in the vale. [/hider]