Okay those of you just tuning in, what this is is a difference approach to RP. I've created the main character and will have a few posts giving exposition and then a turn over the story to a GM who will control NPC'S, the environment, enemies, everything and I have to deal with what they dish out. The GM may then pass the torch along to another GM when they tire of me and the story continues. [hider=Rules ] 1. As you'll see in the IC coming up the overall mystery of the story is finding Godwin, we can't just have him pop up in the second post! However as far as introducing characters I give you guys free range 2. Take turns, the first adventure will be in a dungeon crawl type experience so that I can give prospective GM's one room at a time. But if someone is holding the reins on the narrative let them drive it until completion then take your turn. 3. Just like improv if someone establishes something, you can't change it. You can reinterpret it or build on it but don't write things to undermine others. 4. Never write my character's response. If something happens that you believe is beyond my character's control okay. But give me a post to react the way I feel he should react. (if there is a scene with a lot of back and forth dialogue or rapid responses, we'll hash it out in a PM then post IC) 5. Any questions or issues, don't hesitate to ask. [/hider]